Monday, October 3, 2011


Media will praise the politically correct version of the Catholic faith controlled by leftist laws.The Jewish Left will be participating at Assisi after they broke dialogue with the Vatican and forced the pope to change church teaching over the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews.

Catholics pray the Nicene Creed at Mass but there is no unity on this central prayer of the Faith. A major silent schism has taken place.With the leftist anti proselytism and anti Semitism laws hanging over Catholics there is poor freedom of religious expression or communication. There is no dialogue.The pope participates in inter faith dialogue at Assisi the hometown of St. Francis who went to the Muslim Sultan to convert him and save his soul.

Catholics are not heard who pray the Nicene Creed and believe the baptism of water given to adults with Catholic Faith is necessary to remove Original sin, the sin of Adam. Those who die with Original Sin and mortal sin on their soul without Catholic Faith and the Sacraments are oriented to Hell. This has been the teaching of the Church up to the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.

The Vatican decided to project Pope John Paul II as a liberal and the Jewish Anti Defamation League (ADL) website praised the decision. Earlier the beatification was not politically possible. Then Catholics were surprised to see banners with pictures of the interfaith meeting at Assisi at the Vatican. They were draped at the beatification of a pope who gave us Dominus Iesus.

Domius Iesus cuts through the politically approved version of Catholicism sustained by the secular left media whose owners are not Catholic.

The silent schism rebels against Dominus Iesus, Vatican Council II which indicates all non Catholic participants at Assisi this month are oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church (LG14, AG 7).

The Vatican’s Departments for Evangelisation and the Rome Vicariates Mission office, which projects Jesus without the necessity of the Church, will sustain the silent schism or as Pope John Paul called it, silent apostasy.If they assert the truth of the faith, the Creed, they could be sued for compensation or suffer politically. The bark of St.Peter seems adrift and is throwing aboard dogmas and the Creed, to stay afloat in its present form.

Numerous times the media propaganda says those in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire can be saved among non Catholics, never mentioning that the Church does not say that we know of any such explicit case; people whom you will meet on the street. Since they assume that those saved with the baptism of desire etc are explicit they further assume that non Catholics in general can be saved in their religion. They are saved in general in  their religion through Jesus and the Church. This is believed even though Vatican Council II, or any other Church document, does not say so. Then they say that this is the teaching of the Church not mentioning, as interpreted by the media and supported by Catholic liberal dissenters.

Inter religious dialogue and ecumenism is not new and is to be appreciated however in the past it was always a part of Catholic Mission.

The Jewish Left will be participating at Assisi 2011 after they broke dialogue with the Vatican and forced the pope to change church teaching over the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews.

So this becomes an interfaith meeting without integrity, a politically approved gathering, a faking it, a social performance for the cameras.-Lionel Andrades

Giottos painting of St.Francis before the Sultan

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