Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The three youth whom I spoke to yesterday (Oct.4, 2011) evening at the Church Gran Madre di Dio,Ponte Milvio, Rome, as the lights were put out and they were preparing for a concert outside, did not believe that the Catholic Church teaches that all non Catholics need to enter the Church to avoid Hell. They were not familiar with the Vatican Council II texts or Dominus Iesus neither did they know about the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Bible texts which reference it. However they were on Mission to express their love for Jesus, Jesus without the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation. They could be members of the Jehovah Witnesses or some new Pentecostal or Protestant community in Rome.

The talk with them is recorded on a video in Italian in which Francesco from the Basilica Sacro Cuore di Gesu, of the Salesians near Termini, Rome speaks in Italian about his faith, or lack of it. A young lady says in English she was in this program to express her personal relationship with Jesus and this was what she wanted to share.

There was no doctrinal concept of Catholic Mission.-Lionel Andrades

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