Saturday, October 29, 2011


Wikipedia in Italian gives a false interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It says the celebrated 'phrase' in Italian attributed to St.Cyprian says it is necessary for salvation in eternal life to remain within the ‘Christian Church’.(Conosciuta anche come Nulla salus extra ecclesiam, la frase definisce la necessità del fedele che voglia guadagnare la salvezza nella vita eterna, di restare in seno alla Chiesa cristiana.)

It then quotes Magisterial documents saying for eternal life all must remain within the Catholic Church.It contradicts itself by mentioning Article 114 of the Catechism of the Council of Trent which says that those who want eternal life must stay within the Church,they must enter the Ark. (1)

It then says that the Syllabus of Pope Pius IX (Dec 8.1854) (2) mentions an explicit condemnation of four propositions which express indifferentism.Proposition 16 condemns the negation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

It quotes the Catechism of Pope Pius X of 1905 (3) Articles 169, 171 e 172.In particular  article 169 of the  Catechism of the Council of Trent .
The Catechism of the Catholic Church 1992 repeats this teaching in artciles 816,819 and 846-848 (4).It says Vatican Council II repeats this Catholic teaching in Lumen Gentium 4 and Unitatis Redintegratio.(Chapter 3). (5)

Unlike the Wikipedia entry in English on extra ecclesiam nulla salus it does not mention Lumen Gentium 16 as an exception. It is false to mention Lumen Gentium 16 as an exception since LG 16 is not explicitly known to us.It  is not an exception to the dogma which indicates every one with no exception needs to be a formal member of the Catholic Church for salvation.

Also the Italian version does not mention Fr.Leonard Feeney as in the English version of Wikipedia. The English version suggests Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for saying that every one needs to be a visible member of the Church and that there were no exceptions.(See also Fr.Leonard Feeney).This was exactly what the dogma, the popes and the saints stated; that every one needs to be a visible member of the Catholic Church for salvation..

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 does not mention that he was excommunicated for heresy but for disobedience. The Letter supported Fr.Leonard  Feeney when it referred to ‘the dogma’, the ‘infallible teaching’. The infallible teaching tells us that all non Catholics in Boston and the rest of the world need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid the fires of Hell. This was exactly what Fr.Leonard Feeney said. The Wikipedia entry in English has errors.

Wikipedia in English or Italian could  mention that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 supported Fr.Leonard Feeney since the proof is there in the text of the Letter. Wikipedia rejects statements which cannot be supported by the original documents. In this case the Letter of the Holy Office mentions the words 'the dogma'. The text of the dogma is clear: all non Catholics in Boston or elsewhere need to be visible, formal members of the Catholic Church for salvation.
-Lionel Andrades

Those who want to obtain eternal life must belong to the Church  they must enter the Ark not like those who  perish in the flood.
« Quanti vogliono conseguire la salute eterna devono aderire alla Chiesa, non diversamente da coloro che, per non perire nel diluvio, entrarono nell'arca » (Catechismo del Concilio di Trento)

Il Sillabo di papa Pio IX (8 dicembre 1854) contiene un'esplicita condanna di quattro proposizioni (XV-XVIII) che sono espressione dell'indifferentismo.

la proposizione XV condanna il soggettivismo razionalistico
la proposizione XVI condanna la negazione del dogma Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
la proposizione XVII condanna un'attenuazione dello stesso dogma
la proposizione XVIII condanna la negazione del dogma in relazione al protestantesimo

All'indifferentismo è associato il latitudinarismo, una dottrina indifferentista che attribuisce l'appartenenza religiosa soltanto in base alla provenienza geografica dell'individuo.

Il Catechismo di Pio X del 1905 riafferma il dogma agli articoli 169, 171 e 172.

In particolare l'articolo 169 riprende un'immagine del Catechismo del Concilio di Trento e recita:
« No, fuori della Chiesa Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana nessuno può salvarsi, come niuno poté salvarsi dal diluvio fuori dell'Arca di Noè, che era figura di questa Chiesa » (Catechismo di Pio X)

Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica [modifica]Il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica del 1992 tratta di quest'argomento negli articoli 816, 819 e 846-848.

Concilio Vaticano II [modifica]Il Concilio Vaticano II ribadisce la posizione cattolica nella costituzione dogmatica Lumen Gentium (capitolo 4) e nel decreto Unitatis redintegratio (capitolo 3).

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