Saturday, November 26, 2011


Cardinal Richard J.Cushing issued a decree against Fr.Leonard Feeney stating that because of 'grave offense against the laws of the Catholic Church'… (April 18, 1949).

Grave offense against the laws of the Catholic Church ?

What offense did he commit?

Then in 1953 the Holy Office decree states ‘The Holy Office has been obliged repeatedly to make your teaching…the object of its special care and attention…'

Fr.Leonard Feeney’s teaching ? What was Fr.Feeney’s teaching which were ‘against the laws of the Catholic Church’.

Where is the text of this heretical teaching ?

No where!! It is unamed. A mystery.

The decree refers to ‘the dogma’. There are three defined dogmas on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. All three agree with Fr.Leonard Feeney.
The three dogmas on extra ecclesiam nulla salus state as does Fr.Leonard Feeney that every one needs to be a visible member of the Church for salvation i.e every one needs Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.

They do not mention any exceptions as the baptism of desire etc since it is known that they are always implicit and not exceptions to the dogma. This was also Fr. Leonard Feeney's teaching.

So how could he be excommunicated for heresy ?

The Letter of the Holy Office does not specifically say that he was excommunicated for heresy it mentions disobedience. One has to assume that he was excommunicated for heresy.

When the Archbishop implies that there are visible cases of non Catholics who are saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire and this is a contradiction to the dogma and Fr.Leonard  Feeney one has to assume that this is ecclesiastical heresy. The Letter does not mention it.-Lionel Andrades

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