Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fr.Francois Laisney of the SSPX's denial is probably not willful but due to confusion between defacto-dejure salvation, implicit and explicit salvation.

I have been asked by a reader of this blog where exactly does Fr.Francois Laisney say that there are exceptions to the dogma.

Here is my answer.

Fr. Francois Laisney writes:
The first error of those who take their doctrine from Rev. Fr. Leonard Feeney, commonly known as "Feeneyites," is that they misrepresent the dogma, "Outside the [Catholic] Church there is no salvation." The Feeneyites misrepresent this as, "Without baptism of water there is no salvation."
The Feeneyites misrepresent this as, "Without baptism of water there is no salvation."http://www.sspx.org/miscellaneous/feeneyism/three_errors_of_feeneyites.htm

He is implying here that there is salvation in the present times for someone without the baptism of water.

Note: I use the words ‘in the present time’. It refers to the present reality, the de facto situation i.e when I meet a non Catholic on the street or telephone him.

De facto every one needs the baptism of water for salvation this is the teaching of the dogma. So he denies the dogma here.

His denial is probably not willful but due to confusion between defacto-dejure salvation, implicit and explicit salvation.

Implicitly, and known only to God we know that for salvation there could be possible theoretical exceptions to every one needing Catholic Faith and the baptism of water, before they die.

In principle, de jure we accept that a non Catholic can be saved in the way God chooses and this would be an exception. Theoretically there can be ‘exceptions’ de facto there are no exceptions to the dogma. So those who are saved de jure are not exceptions to the dogma.

Fr. Francois Laisney says :

His teaching was then condemned by the Holy Office in 1949, and he himself was excommunicated in 1953.
Nowhere does the Letter state that Fr.Leonard Feeney was 'condemned' or that he was excommunicated for heresy. This is the propaganda of the liberal secular media.

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 supported Fr.Leonard Feeney when it mentioned ‘the dogma’, the ‘infallible teaching’. The dogma indicates that every non Catholic in Boston and the rest of the world needs to convert into the Church to avoid the fires of Hell.(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence etc).So Fr.Leonard Feeney was correct in saying every one needs to be a visible member of the Church and there are no exceptions. The dogma does not mention exceptions and it is an infallible teaching.Fr.Francois Laisney implies that there are exceptions to the dogma and so Fr.Leonard Feeney was in error.
-Lionel Andrades

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