Tuesday, December 6, 2011


 Whatever be your views on Fr.Leonard Feeney you have to agree that there is no visible baptism of desire.

So when the Archbishop of Boston, Richard Cushing and the Jesuits of Boston College suggested that there was a baptism of desire exception to the dogma they were wrong. If the baptism of desire was an exception to the dogma it would have to be a visible baptism of desire.

There is no baptism of desire that we know of or can know of so how can it be an exception ?

So if you would ask Cardinal Raymond Burke if he knew of any case of the baptism of desire he would say "no".

And if you would ask him if he personally knew any exception to the dogmatic teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus he would answer "no".

Would he know of any case on earth of someone saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire ? He would answer "no".

Are invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire exceptions to the dogma ? He would answer "no".

Is this what Fr.Leonard Feeney taught ? Yes.

So does Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect, of the Supreme Tribunal,Rome hold the same view as Fr.Leonard Feeney on extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

Ask him the next time you meet him and then let me know.

-Lionel Andrades

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