Friday, December 16, 2011


Thursday Dec.15,2011
Wednesday Dec.14: 20 .50
I write this in an adoration chapel in a Church in Rome. There is no one here but Jesus and me. Otherwise there are people here throughout the day. They have the continuous exposition of the Eucharist here.Today for some reason there is no one.The other part of the Church is noisy with children preparing for a Christmas pageant.
20.55 Someone has just entered. She has sat down in one of the pews.
Why should the chapel be full or there be a worshiper always ?This is a Redemptorist parish and they have programs on Evangelisation.They have parishioners active in the New Evangelization.I could assume that here like so many other Catholics they do not believe that Jesus in the Eucharist is necessary for the salvation of all people.Many do not believe that  all non Catholics need to enter the Church, to believe in Jesus present in the Eucharist, to avoid the fires of Hell.
They accept the media- propaganda which  says  the Church teaches that Protestants who do not believe in the Eucharist are also on the way to Heaven.
21.00 A couple have entered. Probably they are the Responsibles for this hour. I admire them. They live under such difficult conditions created by secular forces. There are laws in Rome that prevent them from freely living and expressing their Catholic Faith.There are political groups that discourage them. There is full freedom of expression meanwhile for all that is evil and which can be a hindrance to their spiritual life. Yet they choose to make time to be with Jesus.
Jesus in the Eucharist, here in this chapel, and all the other Catholic Churches in the world, is at the centre of the world’s salvation. All need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water (AG 7, LG 14) to be saved from the fires, screams and suffering of Hell.
In general, defacto  everyone needs the Eucharist to be saved. There could be people saved who did not have the means to receive the Eucharist. They could have received the other Sacraments and have died without mortal sin on their soul. They could be in Heaven worshiping  Jesus in the Trinity just as we do now on earth in this chapel.
Every non Catholic throughout the world, the Catholic Church teaches since the times of Jesus and the Apostles,  needs to accept Jesus in the Eucharist to go to Heaven. ( ‘the dogma’. Letter of the Holy Office 1949). There are no defacto known exceptions.
The Church accepts dejure, in principle that there could be a non Catholic saved with implicit baptism of desire for example, but these are cases not known to us.(Letter of the Holy Office 1949).Everyone on earth needs to believe in the Eucharist, they need the Sacraments for  salvation.
In principle, dejure, as a possibility there could be non Catholics who do not know about Jesus and the Eucharist.These  persons who could be saved. They are  known to God and judged only by Him.They cannot  be  considered defacto exceptions to the Vatican Council II and the dogmatic teaching which says all people on earth defacto need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation. They cannot be defacto exceptions since we do not know any such case.

Jesus and the Church, the Sacraments, including the Eucharist, is the ordinary means of salvation.

 It is the ordinary means of salvation for pagans, for those living in the forests and remote areas of the world. In general they all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water to remove the stain of Original Sin. They  need the Sacraments to live the Gospel. They need the Sacrament of Reconcilliation, to have their sins forgiven and so avoid the path to eternal death.

This is the general norm, the ordinary way, that God the Father chose to save all people.Through modern communication and education, millions of people know that God   through His Only Son founded only one Church- the Catholic Church in which he wishes all people to be united ( CCC 845 . It is the only Ark of Salvation. In general those  outside it at the time of death cannot be saved.
There are millions of people all over the world who die daily .They face the Particular Judgment as soon as they die. We will be sent to Heaven or Hell for all eternity. Jesus who is now present as Mercy, as a friend, in the Eucharist, will then be the Judge. The Bible tells us that it is the Word which will judge and condemn us if condemnation is due.
Jesus present in the Eucharist tells us that at the time of the Last Judgment there will be millions of non Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians included, oriented to Hell. Since the ordinary means of salvation was Catholic Faith and the baptism of water in the only Church Jesus founded,they knew about it but did not convert.This is the only Way, Truth and Life-eternal.
-Lionel Andrades

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