Friday, January 13, 2012


Last Monday at 8.45 a.m I was in the sacristy of the Church San Giuseppe All Aurelio, Via Boccea, Rome.I briefly spoke to the Italian priest who was preparing for Holy Mass in Italian. I mentioned that the day earlier Sunday the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord the congregation was asked, in another church, if they believe in the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church... We all responded YES.

I told him my understanding of Church could be different. I believe in the dogma outside the church there is no salvation and I accept the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance but know we do not know any case on earth.

He began to speak about the baptism of desire etc when I interrupted him and said that I accept it but we do not know any case in particular.

I said I beleive in extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is my under standing of Church was it correct.

Padre Orlandao smiled and answered yes.

I said thank you and left.

This is the second priest in a few weeks that I have asked this same question and they tell me my Faith is OK.

This Italian priest is from the community Oblates of St. Joseph.

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