Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The book Hell: The Dogma of Hell, Illustrated by Facts Taken from Profane and Sacred History plus How to Avoid Hell is available at Amazon.

 It was originally published by Tan Books and Publishers. Tan Books and Publishers is now acquired by St. Benedict Press which has ceased to publish the original version. The book in its original version is still available with Amazon Press.
The St. Bendict Press still publishes Hell by  Rev. Fr. F. X. Schouppe, S.J.

The original book Hell and How to Avoid  Hell by Fr.F.X Schouppe S.J and Thomas Nelson has an important section on moral theology. It also affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It was an important book that I read. I would highly recommend it.

Here are some reviews:

By A Customer

This review is from: Hell: The Dogma of Hell, Illustrated by Facts Taken from Profane and Sacred History plus How to Avoid Hell (Mass Market Paperback)

As a former Baptist I was leary about reading this book but I am now glad I did. Thank God that I did because I am now clear about the errors of my ways and I have truly come to know the Lord Jesus Christ by entering into his one and only true church, the Catholic Church. Thank God for this book or the "once-saved-always-saved" myth would have surely sent me to hell. Dear fellow Christians, please read this book and learn about what mortal sin is and how it will send you to Hell if unrepentant. God bless!

By Walter Crooks

This review is from: Hell: The Dogma of Hell, Illustrated by Facts Taken from Profane and Sacred History plus How to Avoid Hell (Mass Market Paperback)

Just the title in today's world seems taboo!!! No matter you be Protestant, Catholic or any of the other faiths, this book will bind you to its pages! The written vision that this book gives, from 100's of years of oral and written history, is both frightening and compelling. Do know that it was compiles over about 100 yrs ago so political correctness is all but non-existent. As a Catholic I can appreciate the writings of Fr. Schouppe, for he not only shows God's justified wrath, he also shows His blind forgiveness! The greatest part of this book is that in the last half you are given INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO AVIOD HELL! May God bless all who read this...
By Kathy (USA)
This review is from: Hell: The Dogma of Hell, Illustrated by Facts Taken from Profane and Sacred History plus How to Avoid Hell (Mass Market Paperback)

I too could not put this book down. I found it very scary in the beginning but scary in a good way. It got me to go back to confession and make a good confession and to go to confession often. I thought it was very informative in explaining the sins that fall under the commandments. The book makes you realize that Hell is very real and not a place you want to be. It has increased my Catholic faith and woken me up from the luke warm place I was in in my life. I highly recommend it.

By John W (Omaha)

This review is from: Hell: The Dogma of Hell, Illustrated by Facts Taken from Profane and Sacred History plus How to Avoid Hell (Mass Market Paperback)

This book gives the most unbelievable account of hell that I have ever encountered. It really shook my faith and made me realize I was standing on shaky ground. I'm not gonna continue living my life by the '10 Suggestions' anymore, it's time to live by the '10 Commandments.'

By A Customer

This review is from: Hell: The Dogma of Hell, Illustrated by Facts Taken from Profane and Sacred History plus How to Avoid Hell (Mass Market Paperback)

I almost did not purchase this book, as it was written by a Catholic (I am Protestant). And indeed, it does contain a few less-than- flattering comments about Protestantism;however,if you can get past this unfortunate polemic, you will find this book to be the most important book which you ever purchased(other than your Bible,of course). I realize that is strong praise, but this book is truly extraordinary and unique.It presents case histories and testimonials which are more frightening than anything you've ever come across before(since the topic is about an actual-not fictional- place: Hell). This book is not for the faint of heart, as the descriptions are dramatic and "uncensored". You will not read this book and walk away the same person:if you are already a Christian, you will be strenghtened.If you are not , you will probably want to become one.

Hell: The Dogma of Hell, Illustrated by Facts Taken from Profane and Sacred History plus How to Avoid Hell

Remember that Catholic priests are not permitted to talk about Hell and many of them do not even believe in it. The leftists oppose any one who mentions Hell.So do not expect to read a book on moral theology, the salvation dogma or Hell as you could in the original book authored by Thomas Nelson the owner of Tan Books and Publishers.

The new company which has bought over Tan Books and Publishers will not make the original book available. The response you will get is This is not a valid product'.
-Lionel Andrades


  1. Dear Friend,

    While I earnestly do believe in Hell and hope to avoid it and help others to avoid it, I would disavow the story about the Siberian drillers. Snopes uncovers the truth here:

  2. At Westminster Cathedral last Friday a homily referred to Purgatory as a "waiting room" prior to entrance into Heaven!
