Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are religious and pro abortion politicians in manifest mortal sin according to Canon Lawyer Ed Peters and Deacon Greg Kandra ?

Comments from the website The Deacons Bench

Fr. Marcel Guarnizo’s pastor: “Let me repeat…”Mar 14th, 2012 by Deacon Greg Kandra

Lionel Andrades says:

March 17, 2012 at 9:33 am

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Canonist Peters thinks Fr.Guarnizo was wrong in witholding the Eucharist to the Barbara Johnson.

Edward Peters errs in assuming that the outward action does not indicate the internal thoughts or motivation. This is the moral theology of Fr.Bernard Haring and Fr.Charles Curran.

Homosexuality and lesbianism will always be a mortal sin.It is grave matter and the woman has admitted it in this case.She persists in receiving the Eucharist and still persists in the sin.



Deacon Greg Kandra says:

March 17, 2012 at 9:35 am


Homosexuality is not a mortal sin.

Homosexual acts are.

Read the catechism.

You might also want to read this explanation of what “manifest” sin means.

Dcn. G.

Lionel Andrades says:

March 18, 2012 at 8:43 am

Deacon Kandra,

Praised be Jesus and Our Lady.

I am aware that the homosexuality orientation is not a mortal sin but the act is.

Similarly a lustful thought in a heterosexual is not a sin per se but the willful act is a grave sin. So masturbation, fornication, concubinage etc are grave sins.

So if a homosexual/lesbian lives with a similar partner it is similar to concubinage. If the lesbian has a lover as in this case it is a grave sin.

Homosexuality in this sense has always been considered a mortal sin.

Ed Peters has changed Catholic teaching. He writes ‘There was apparently no mention of Johnson’s possible lesbian activism’. What does he mean?

He wrote:‘Guarnizo says that, a few minutes before Mass started, Johnson appeared in the sacristy and introduced another woman as her “lover”; further conversation was prevented by the “lover” standing in a doorway. There was apparently no mention of Johnson’s possible lesbian activism, her cohabitation status (if any),’

Also now after the Eucharistic incident we know Barbara Johnson is a Buddhist and a lesbian and she has not denied it. Will not all those who continue to give her the Eucharist be in mortal sin and come under Canon 915?

Ed Peters says:‘ In contrast, Canon 915 binds ministers, not recipients.’

True, Canon 915 binds ministers. This also includes the archbishop and bishops in Washington who give the Eucharist to pro abortion politicians. This is a grave sin and they are culpable under Canon 915Ed Peters says Canon Law 915 binds ministers and not recipients. Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the bishops and priests and Eucharistic ministers do not come under Canon Law 915, when they give the Eucharist to pro abortion politicians? Is this not sacrilegious cooperation. Are these religious and the pro abortion politicians in manifest mortal sin according to Ed Peters and you?

Canon Lawyer Ed Peters is reportedly employed in the Detroit Archdiocese seminary. The bishop of Detroit is not willing to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or say that Jews need to convert for salvation and he targeted Michael Voris for defending Catholic teaching. Can a juridical person according to Canon Law deny a defined dogma ?

When Fr. Marcel Guarnizo said that the Eucharist cannot be given to a Quaker, Lutheran or Buddhist he was affirming a defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also Ad Gentes 7 Vatican Council II, Dominus Iesus 20, CCC 846 etc.

Cardinal Donald Wuerl (is not ) willing to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Since he believes, according to the Notification issued on Fr. Peter C. Phan, that those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are defacto exceptions to the dogma.(He was on the USCCB Doctrinal Committee). Is not the Archbishop of Washington in manifest mortal sin for Ed Peters?


About the Deacon
Deacon Greg Kandra is a Roman Catholic deacon serving the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York. A veteran broadcast journalist, Deacon Greg worked for 26 years as a writer and producer for CBS News in both New York and Washington. He now serves as the Executive Editor of ONE, the acclaimed magazine published by the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA). In addition to receiving two awards from the Catholic Press Association, Deacon Greg has been honored with every major award in broadcasting, including two George Foster Peabody Awards, two Emmy Awards, and four awards from the Writers Guild of America

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