Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The baptism was given to those who were in the community, the Early Church, the Early Catholic Church

Fr. Regis Scanlon OFM Cap.writes in Did Vatican II reverse the Church’s teaching on religious liberty? that ‘Some traditionalists, like the late Fr. Leonard Feeney, and some progressives, like Charles E. Curran and Bede Griffiths, have understood Boniface VIII’s teaching in Unam Sanctam to mean that only Catholics could be saved .

 Yes ,Vatican Council II like Fr.Leonard Feeney says all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water salvation.This is the teaching of Vatican Council II.(AG 7 ,LG 14).So it is not just a past papal teaching. The same message is there in other magisterial documents after Vatican Council II. He writes in the Homiletic and Pastoral Review  'While Feeney believed this to be true Church teaching, Curran and Griffiths believed this to be an example of past papal teaching error.’

The pope could not personally know the heart of everyone.However he knew that Jesus said all need the baptism of water for salvation. The baptism was given to those who were in the community, the Early Church, the Early Catholic Church.

Jesus also said that those who do not enter will be condemned. Those who have heard the Gospel preached to them and yet they do not enter will be condemned. This was the Gospel reading at the Novus Ordo Mass last Sunday.

Fr.Scanlon writes ‘But Boniface VIII did not “manifestly” judge all unbelievers. He only “manifestly” condemned the action of one who would knowingly and deliberately reject papal authority and separate from the Church. Boniface VIII’s doctrine is consistent with Scripture and tradition, which teach that invincible “ignorance” or “blindness” excuse a person from mortal sin and damnation (cf. Jn 9:41). Only those who knowingly reject the teachings of Christ are condemned to hell (cf. Mt 10:14; Lk 10:16).’

Is Fr.Scanlon  saying that invincible ignorance is an explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus of Pope Boniface VIII ?

There are no known exceptions of people saved in invincible ignorance.Vatican Council II (AG 7) is still saying that all need to be subject to the Pope for salvation ; all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation(AG 7).

He writes ‘So, did Vatican II reverse Pius IX’s teachings on religious liberty as found in Quanta Cura? Absolutely not! Did the Council develop this teaching? Certainly!’

Quanta Cura is in agreement with Ad Gentes 7 and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It has not reversed or developed the Church’s teaching on salvation or religious liberty.

Every one is free according to law to follow his conscience or religion while we are free as Catholics to say that those who do not convert into the Church with faith and baptism are oriented to Hell.
-Lionel Andrades


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