Thursday, April 5, 2012

Catholic schools in the USA use controversial Bearing Witness Jewish Left program

Catholic schools in the USA are using a controversial ADL program for school educators which suggests there have been recent changes in Catholic teachings on Jews and Judaism. It makes no mention of Vatican Council II indicating that Jews need to convert for salvation and that Catholics are the Chosen People of God.

According to the program Bearing Witness many of the teachings of the popes, the Bible and Jesus would be considered Anti-Semitic. Since what the ADL considers anti-Semitic today are views held by the popes, the Bible and Jesus.

Also there is no Church magisterial document which indicates that there has been recent chages in Catholic teaching on Jews and Judaism.

Catholics need to bear witness to Jesus who is the only Saviour of the world, the Promised Jewish Messiah  and, outside the Catholic Church which He founded there is no salvation.(Vatican Council II).
-Lionel Andrades

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