Friday, April 13, 2012

So would the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican excommunicate me when I say I reject the liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II but accept Vatican Council II according to Tradition and a continuation with the defined dogma ? I can accept the SSPX's position on other religions as being the teaching of Vatican Council II.

I reject a Vatican Council II which claims there are explicit exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II .Vatican Council II for me does not contradict the thrice defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. No one can cite any passage from the Council which contradicts the dogma. So this is the Vatican Council II I accept. It is a Vatican Council II which is in agreement with the SSPX's traditional understanding of ecumenism and inter religious dialogue.

So would the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican excommunicate me when I say I reject the liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II but accept Vatican Council II according to Tradition and a continuation with the defined dogma ?

This could be what the SSPX is saying and they could be misunderstood as rejecting Vatican Council II.

They like me, are definitely rejecting the liberal version of Vatican Council II which is a break from Tradition, has no supporting text as it rebels against AG 7,Vatican Council II. It rejects the dogma and claims to be the only interpretation of Vatican Council II. It is the only interpretation accepted by the Jewish Left whose values are not Catholic.

I think based on the teachings of Vatican Council II all Catholic religious communities must affirm the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also accept the possibility of non Catholics being saved in invincible ignorance etc. They can only accept invincible ignorance etc as possibilities since defacto we cannot know any case. In reality only God can know who these cases are. So it is always only a possibility for us and does not contradict the dogmatic teaching.

So I can accept the SSPX's position on other religions as being the teaching of Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. The now pending outcome in the SSPX and Vatican discussions represents a critical juncture in Church History. I have great pain when I think of the souls that have been effected by this and other ruptures over orthodoxy in Catholic Doctrine that have occurred over the last half century. What does Heaven think? It is no small matter that that the Society has chosen Saint Pius X as their namesake. I pray that Pope Pius X, Saint Vicar of Christ, Pope Pius X will hear the intercessions from those on earth to pray, help and put his loving spiritual arms around his counterpart, our current Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. I pray that the continuity of official Church teaching of past ages into the present will find clarity, reverence, discipline and agreement as Jesus wills for His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We implore the help of the Blessed Trinity, Blessed Mother and all the Angels and Saints.
