Thursday, April 19, 2012


The SSPX website says there are three baptisms not one

There will be confusion when the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) bishops have to make the Profession of Faith and recite the Nicene Creed. Confusion already exists among the Catholic religious on the phrase ‘I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin’. This means I believe in the baptism of water for the forgiveness of Original Sin.
Many believe those saved in  invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are known to us and so are defacto exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation. So they say all do not need the baptism of water. The SSPX website says there is not one but three baptisms.

Fr. Peter Scott and Fr. Francois Laisney of the SSPX state everyone needs the baptism of water for salvation except for those in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.This is a rejection of the credal phrase with a misunderstanding.

Once it is understood that we cannot know personally these exceptional cases then the creedal phrase stands. 'I believe in one baptism (of water) for the forgiveness of sins'  and there are no known exceptions on earth to the baptism of water.

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith probably  recited the line on the baptism of water. Yet in public he says that the Church no more teaches exclusive salvation exists in only the Catholic Church. In other words there are explicit exceptions known to him and they are an exception to the Nicene Constantinople Creed.

The pope himself in Light of the World p.107 believes there are defacto exceptions to the ancient teaching that there is only one channel (way) of salvation and it is Jesus in the Catholic Church.

So when Bishop Fellay recites the Nicene Creed what will be his meaning for the creedal line?

Does he think Fr. Leonard Feeney and his present day supporters are wrong to hold the literal interpretation of the dogma?Before the lifting of the excommunication for disobedience, Fr. Leonard Feneey chose to recite the Athanasius Creed, which says outside the church there is no salvation.Does Bishop Fellay also believe in the literal interpretation of the dogma?Or does he believe that the dogma is no  longer valid since there can be cases of Catholics saved in invincible ignorance and they would be known to him?

Fr. Scott and Fr. Laisney are very critical of Fr. Leonard Feeney.Judging by their writings on the internet when they recite the Creed in a Profession of Faith and will really be denying the Creed. They will mean "I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin, except, that I do also believe that those saved in invincible ignorance  and the baptism of desire on earth do not need the baptism of water for salvation. So all on earth do not need the baptism of water as the Creed states.So I conclude that not all non Catholics on earth need the baptism of water”
-Lionel Andrades

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