Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican (CDF) which meets today is expected to ignore important issues.

1. The CDF meeting today is not likely to consider that the SSPX position on ecumenism, Judaism and other religions is in agreement with Vatican Council II (AG 7).

2. Vatican Council II does not contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus .Since invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16) etc are not known exceptions to the dogma or AG 7.So there are no exceptions to the SSPX position on Judaism and other religions and ecumenism.

These are important points relative to the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and indicates that there are no doctrinal differences between the Vatican Council II and the SSPX in spite of the propaganda to the contrary.

Then there is the issue of Cardinal Kurt Koch who will be attending today’s meeting. In public he puts aside Vatican Council II(AG 7) and the salvation dogma. Also his brand of ecumenism does not acknowledge Vatican Council II (AG 7) which says all need Catholic Faith for salvation. All includes Protestants and Orthodox Christians who do not have Catholic Faith.

Vatican Council II (AG 7) agrees with Bishop Richard Williamson’s position on ecumenism- also Judaism but none one fromt the CDF will say it in public.

If the three SSPX bishops are excommunicated once again it will be for only ‘saying’ they reject Vatican Council II when in reality there Catholic values are those of Vatican Council II. They reject Vatican Council II as interpreted by Cardinal Kurt Koch and for this they could be penalized. Could they also be excommunicated by a pope who says Jews do not  have to convert in the present times, for salvation? (Light of the World p.107) This is contrary to the Bible, the Creed, Vatican Council II…

So Cardinal Koch, a cardinal in public dissent will be there at today’s meeting and he will be giving his opinion on the SSPX .He will then offer Holy Mass and no one will object.

The Secretary of the CDF Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J will be there at today’s meeting. He believes that there are visible cases of the baptism of desire. Those saved in invincible ignorance etc are known to him. So he assumes that there are known exceptions to the interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,  which says there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church. (Christianity and the World Religions 1997, ITC).

Naturally he does not correct Wikipedia and numerous other people who claim that LG 16 (invincible ignorance etc) are exceptions to the defined dogma  on salvation.

As Secretary of the CDF he does not have an opinion when two U.S dioceses indicate that all religious and lay persons could hold the literal interpretation of the dogma along with implicit desire.

The meeting will be presided over by Cardinal William Levada who was silent when Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone wrote to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel in a kind of bargain plea. The Vatican Secretary of State said that we Catholics believe in Jesus.So this was our difference with the non Messianic Jews. That was all. He did not say that the Church was needed for salvation or that Jews needed to convert for salvation. One could assume that Jews are saved in general in their religion and so the baptism of water was not needed. So in reality Judaism is an equal path to salvation and they are all saved by Christ whether they know it or not for the cardinals. This is not Catholic theology. It is indiffentism.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone then referred to the article by Cardinal Walter Kaspar which was published on the front page of the L’Osservatore Romano. It said Jews do not have to convert in the present time. This was accepted by the Chief Rabbinate and Rabbi of Israel.

To avoid violence and the public threat of war from Israel they threw out a dogma (extra ecclesiam nulla salus) and also Vatican Council II (AG 7).

Today they could decide if the SSPX bishops will be excommunicated for not accepting all their confusion.

One does not have to be a theologian or even a Catholic to know that in general we do not know, we cannot see, who is in heaven.The cardinals who meet today assume we do know.-Lionel Andrades

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