Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Last night at about 8.30 p.m I was tired anD pasing by a church on the Via del Corso near Piazza del Popolo.It was open at night.There was a concert there I wondered? Instead there were young people before the Eucharist exposed in a monstrance and placed on the altar.At entrance of the church a young girl gave me little lighted lamp to place near the altar.I went up to Jesus.I was happy to be there. It was healing!

The teenager who was leading the prayers was tremendous!Her invocations which were spontaneous were touching.I stayed there for sometime and I didn’t want to leave.I actually didn’t want to leave.I just wanted to be there and soak up all that.

Over a year back I used to be present at this prayer before the Eucharist in the Church of Santa Anastasia al Palatino,Rome.Now I live in another part of Rome and so cannot be there.From 9 p.m to about 10.30 p.m once a week they place the Eucharist in the centre and form a semi circle of prayer and worship.I am not part of their actual group.I usually am in the rear of the Church, in the dark,where I remain in silent adoration or sing softly when I know the hymn they are singing.

Yesterday was a nice treat! It was the feast of St.Joseph.Ask him anything and you’ll get it!(says my favourite saint).It was also the beginning of Our Lady’s month.

The young people last night were from the Catholic Charismatic Renewal or a Medugorje prayer group I gather, from the hymns they were singing and their form of worship.

They were also evangelizing naturally since many people were standing near the entrance of the church, when I was leaving.A few people had come up to Jesus and placed the little lamp before Him.

I think we made Jesus a little happier last night with our presence.Thanks to those young people.

I lived for a few days as a guest with an Italian community in Medugorje where a young Italian girl had locutions from Jesus.It was known in the community that we made Jesus happy with our singing.

Another Italian girl in that community would perspire blood on her face.She would suffer I was told in appeasement for the Eucharist being sacrilegiously received by so many during Mass.

Jesus feels in the Eucharist.So it was good that the church last night had its doors open.Another church on the other side of the same street was closed.So were another five or six, or more, churches in that area.Jesus was locked in the tabernacle and left alone at night.

Meanwhile there were so many Catholics walking on the street last night busy with the things of the world, its distractions and entertainment.In future they could remember their short time on earth,after a million years or more.They would hate this time on earth and know they have another million years and more to go, of pain.
-Lionel Andrades

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