Friday, May 25, 2012


Rorate Caeli posted the statement of Rabbi Jack Bemporad as if it was important and removed all comments which mentioned 'Vatican Council II says Jews and other non Catholics need to convert for salvation' and 'the Council is in agreement with the SSPX position on other religions and ecumenism'.There was also no reference to the Catholic News Service report of Cardinal Kurt Koch's talk at the Angelicum when he said that Jews do not have to convert in the present time and the SSPX has to accept this for canonical status.

I am reminded of an Indian priest who was a Secretary at the Pontifical Council for Inter religious Dialogue,Vatican. I met him at his office.He said  the Chuch teaches that Jews,Muslims etc need to convert for salvation. I distributed his statement through the internet.

When I next went to the office,judging from the reaction of the Lady Secretary there, they received many protests.The protests were orchestrated in the sense that whenever someone mentions extra ecclesiam nulla salus it is called anti Semitic and threats follow. Newspapers like The Catholic Herald (U.K) and The National Catholic Register,USA have received these protests and threats and now recently Rorate Caeli.

That Indian priest was immediately sent back to his diocese even though an interfaith meeting was underway at Rome and he could have been useful. It ended well for the courageous priest. He was made a bishop.

Rorate Caeli cannot carry reports on extra ecclesiam nulla salus since it has probably received the usual threats and is protecting the website. They could have it closed.

Rorate Caeli has to pull down comments and not accept any future comment which say Vatican Council II (AG 7) is in agreement with the dogma and there are no exceptions (LG 16).

This is a censorship of the media by those who call themself liberal and secular but are opposed to Catholic doctrine.It’s also teaching Catholics the faith with false interpretations of the Catechism and Vatican Council II.These interpretations are a break from the past and not a ‘hermenuetic of continuity’.

The Jewish Left groups blocking any discussion or reports on extra ecclesiam nulla salus want to strenghthen the concept that the Church does not teach this any more.

Since they control the media they expect us to accept their political propaganda and new teachings of the Catholic Faith. Dissent will be tolerated and projected well- extra ecclesiam nulla salus will be banned and websites and persons blacklisted.

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is directly related to the SSPX understanding of Vatican Council II, ecumenism and other religions. Yet Rorate Caeli will not touch it otherwise the flood of calls will come in from those who are regularly monitoring this website to keep it in control with political correctness.
-Lionel Andrades

Vatican Council II states all Jews and other non Catholics need to convert for salvation and so the comments were pulled down. The comments were contrary to the political propaganda at the University by the rabbi

Rorate Caeli does not provide promised report of Cardinal Kurt Koch's talk and statement to the Press on May 16 at the Angelicum.

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