Sunday, May 13, 2012

Seconda Marcia Nazionale per la Vita Roma: Walk for Life should have concluded before the Santo Spirito hospital

A March for Life was held today morning (May 13, 2012) in which many people participated.It began at about 10.10 a.m in front of the Colliseum. It went across Piazza Venetizia and  Largo Argentina and was addressed by the organisers near  Castel San Angelo.The Walk for Life  continued towards St.Peters’ where there was to be held Holy Mass for the participants.

Along the Via Cancelleria, the main road to the Vatican, they were walking behind the Santo Spirito in Sassia hospital. It is here abortions are done and the hospital refers late term abortions to other centres in Rome.

It would be useful if a March for Life begins at the Santo Spirito hospital and concludes there.

The aim of the the walk today was to affirm that life was an indispensable gift from God. ( ask God’s assistance for a society-lost.Condemn the black law 194 which has legalized the murder of over five million innocent babies.To affirm the distinction between good and bad, true and false, just and unjust.To mobilize Catholics and all people of good will against abortion and for the defense of life.-Lionel Andrades

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