Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We know there is no known baptism of desire and if the Letter of the Holy Office 'condemned' Fr.Leonard Feeney for denying the baptism of desire then they made a mistake.

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) position on the baptism of desire is the same as that of Cardinal Walter Kaspar who will preside at an ecumenical conference next week on ecclesiology to be held at the Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome.

The seminar is to reject the traditional concept of ecclesiology.Cardinal Kaspar too believes like the traditionalists that the baptism of desire is visible and so is an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

In a way Cardinal Kaspar and the SSPX are saying that every one on earth does not need the Eucharist for salvation and there are known exceptions to John 6.

Whatever way one may interpret the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and however one may argue, we all have to agree that we do not know any case of the baptism of desire neither do we know anyone on earth, or Heaven, saved in invincible ignorance.

Once the SSPX makes a clear announcement on this subject Cardinal Kaspar and  others will realize that they are pushing a dead horse, a false ecclesiology with no available citation from the Letter or any other magisterial text-unless they assume that the Magisterium made a mistake.

When the Letter refers to the baptism of desire, like other magisterial documents, it means the baptism of desire accepted only in principle, as a belief, in faith. It cannot be otherwise. We cannot know defacto(explicit) cases of anyone saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance.So the Letter of the Holy Office has not made a mistake. It is the SSPX and Cardinal Kaspar who have made the error of assuming that the baptism of desire cases are known to us personally in the present time.

We know that there is no known baptism of desire and the Letter refers to 'the dogma',whose text carries the literal interpretation of the priest from Boston.

Even if the SSPX says that the Magisterium made a mistake, or did not, it could acknowledge that its bishops, priests, nuns and lay members do not have the charism to identify non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.
-Lionel Andrades

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