Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Even if the SSPX bishops are faulted they still call the shots since traditional doctrine is fully in accord with Vatican Council II.

The liberals do not have any citations from Vatican Council II since LG 16 does not contradict AG 7. For the Jewish Left the Council is just an empty political slogan for whatever is on their agenda.

Vatican Council II is a traditionalist document irrespective if the SSPX rejects or accepts it.

Some 13 or 14 years back I was a day student at a Catholic seminary near my house.During the ecclesiology semester we were taught different models of Church. There was the inverted pyramid model,or the Church as communion, or collegiality etc.I ask myself how do any of these models contradict AG 7? It does not!

And finally all of us will be judged individually and not in communion etc.

Similarly the ecclesiology seminar during the first week of June at the Gregorian University is on the theme ‘An ecclesiology which serves’.In other words reject the traditional model and choose what you want. They cannot cite texts from Vatican Council but just claim that it is the spirit of Vatican Council II and the spirit of Vatican Council II could be different for different Catholics. They cannot cite texts from Vatican Council since it is a traditionalist Council.

SSPX and many traditionalists do not see Vatican Council II as a traditionalist Council,since like the liberals, they assume that those saved in invincible ignorance etc (LG 16) are explicitly known.Once this error is detected, no one can doubt that Vatican Council II is a traditionalist Council, with traditional values on Judaism, other religions and ecumenism.Over time more Catholics will realize this.

Once this error of the visible baptism of desire and invincible ignorance is detected things begin to fall into place, the texts seem ‘refreshingly clear’ as someone put it.

One has to explain the Council using AG 7 and extra ecclesiam nulla salus as the basis and all traditional values become coherent : ecclesiology, other religions, ecumenism etc.

If someone criticizes the Council as being liberal the odds are he or she assumes people saved with a good conscience etc are known to us on earth.-Lionel Andrades

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