Saturday, June 16, 2012


This is a major shift in Catholic theology and the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

The Letter of the Holy Office may be saying, it could be assumed, that we can meet people saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire and so  'it  is not always required that a person be incorporated in reality as a member of the Church’ (Letter of the Holy Office 1949). Also since we ‘know’ these exceptional cases saved not every one needs to enter the Church but only those who ‘know ‘about Jesus and the Catholic Church, who are not ignorant. This seems the conclusion of the Letter issued during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.

Cardinal Ladaria, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Vatican also assumes that since we ‘know’ who these exceptional cases are they are not explicit exceptions to the literal interpretation of Fr. Leonard Feeney.

Based on this error he has built up a theology of religions and suggested all babies with Original Sin go to heaven. He postulated that since Fr. Leonard Feeney was wrong, so in general we can hope that babies who die with Original Sin are saved.

Even Pope Benedict and cardinals of his Curia have stated publically that non Catholics do not have to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation. Cardinal Walter Kaspar has written that Jews are saved in general in their religion and do not have to convert in the present times.

They all assume that those saved by ‘the seeds of the Word’, invincible ignorance, a good conscience, in imperfect communion in the Church, are known to us and so are exceptions to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation being there in only the Catholic Church.

EWTN, the late Fr. William Most and Catholic Culture in a prominent report on the internet(Tragic Errors of Fr.Leonard Feeney) tell us everyone does not have to be a visible, card -carrying member of the Church and that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 criticized Fr. Leonard Feeney who consigned millions of people to Hell.

Cardinal Ladaria could not mention an implicit-to-us-explicit- to- God baptism of desire and invincible ignorance since he believes that we know these exceptions- they are always explicit for him.

The CDF Secretary has been unable to defend the pope when American sedevacantists, nearly every day, criticize the pope for denying the literal interpretation of the dogma. The CDF Secretary cannot tell the Most Holy Family Monastery that the baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma.

Similarly Wikipedia assumes that Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance, good conscience) refer to explicit, known cases but the CDF cannot correct Wikipedia because of the misunderstanding over ‘known cases’ in the Letter.

Fr. Leonard Feeney’s communities in the USA have steadily been holding on to the ‘rigorist interpretation’ of the dogma and reject explicit invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire. They are mocked as ‘Feeneyites’ with no cardinal or bishop defending them on doctrine in public  - including the bishop of Worcester who has approved their canonical status.

The Letter of the Holy office 1949 issued by Cardinal Francesco Marchetti-Selvaggiani says ‘Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member’. Here it mentions the possibility of implicit desire .However the Letter then criticizes Fr. Leonard Feeney and St. Benedict Center for for suggesting that there are no exceptions to the literal interpretation. Here there is confusion. It seems the Letter is referring to the possibility of explicitly known implicit desire.
Since it is assumed there are known exceptions, Pope Benedict XVI in Light of the World (Ignatius. P.107) says there are 'not two channels of salvation' but one. He means (1) those saved with implicit desire etc (and known to us) and who are exceptions to the dogma and (2) those saved with the baptism of water along with Catholic Faith. This contradicts the traditional teaching which says there is only one way of salvation and it is the baptism of water with Catholic Faith.

It may be mentioned that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 actually supports Fr.Leonard Feeney and the literal interpretation of the dogma when it mentions ‘ the dogma’, the ‘infallible statement’.The text of the dogma does not mention any exceptions.

It is  confusion over implicit-explicit baptism of desire etc which makes the Cardinal-Secretary imply that the Letter made a mistake.For example 'it is not always required that a person be incorporated in reality as a member of the Church’ refers to a possibility, something accepted in principle. While in reality, defacto, in actual fact, when I meet a non Catholic on the street 'it is required that every person with no exception be incorporated into the Catholic Church for salvation'. It is hoped that over time this confusion will end with the use of the prcise terms, implicit-explicit, dejure-defacto, in principle-in fact.

Vatican Council II is saying outside the Church there is no salvation. It is in accord with the Society of St.Pius X's position on ecumenism and other religions.Liberals cannot any more cite Vatican Council II, they cannot produce any reference, since the so called exceptions to the dogma, are known only to God and they are not defacto exceptions.Ad Gentes 7 is in full agreement with the literal interpretation of the Letter of the Holy Office ('the dogma') and Fr.Leonard Feeney- Lionel Andrades


1 comment:

  1. We pray that Our Holy Father will explain clearly Church teaching on No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church, along with Invincible Ignorance and Baptism of Water versus Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood. True Church teaching on these matters will go a long way in healing the Crisis of Faith that we find ourselves in today.

    While Jesus was on Earth He showed supernatural charity, love and compassion to sinners. The message was always the same of detesting the sin and loving the sinner and to go and sin no more. Jesus never compromised His teachings to appease, gain favor or good standing with anyone. The truth was the truth.

    The great undertaking of dialogue within the Catholic Church has taken on very serious negative consequences in the last fifty years. Dialogue must include charity and love but NEVER at the expense of compromising or watering down the truth. Such has been the case for the last fifty plus years. It is as if many are ashamed or just plain no longer believe in teaching No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church and Baptism by Water. Yes it is true that there was some arrogance about our faith pre- Vatican II but that deficiency was over corrected by reducing No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church and Baptism of Water to a meaningless formula. There are some brave Clerics and lay people among the Church Militant that are trying to restore the Catholic Faith to proper Catechesis but this has been a desperate struggle against Modernism and the undeserving influence of most American Clerics on Vatican thought for too long.

    Yes Father Feeney was disobedient and stubborn in not going to Rome to explain his position. Cardinal Cushing was too worried about his non Catholic political friends or worse his weak in the faith Catholics and their place in Salvation to the point where the flood gates were opened to appease, water down and compromise Church teaching to almost to the point of non recognition. We can not remedy the crisis of faith until we resolve the travesty done against Father Feeney and in addition consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church and Baptism of Water must be taught with Charity, love and compassion but above all with unwavering truth.
