Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cardinal William Levada and the LCWR sisters are saying that there is no more exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church

The LCWR moves into New Age and the Prefect of the CDF is silent over the ‘theology of religions’.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) has rightly faulted the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), USA for assuming other faiths are means of salvation and encouraging  a spirituality without Jesus.

The LCWR sisters do not believe in exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church. However the Prefect of the CDF also does not believe in exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. He has written a Preface for the book Documenti and has approved the theological papers of the International Theological Commission (ITC) on the Vatican website.

Indifferentism is common to both the LCWR and the CDF. May be they just do not realize it.

A book approved by the CDF it is known is never proscribed like those of dissident theologians.However Documenti contains modernism. It can be confirmed on the ITC website.

An SSPX (Society of St.Pius X) bishop recently suggested that the pope was promoting modernism. We know that the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI has approved the ITC documents.

Pope Benedict XVI as a theologian has assumed that there are explicit exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The exceptions to the dogma supposedly known to us, are implicit desire/baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance.

So the Holy Father believes that there are non Catholics in 2012 who are saved and they are known to us.

Then he goes a step further and assumes that non Catholics are saved in general in their religions and so do not have to convert.( Cardinal Bertone referred the front page article on the L’Osservatore Romano written by Cardinal Walter Kaspar in a message to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel written under political and military threats reported in the newspapers).

So if non Catholics are saved in general in their religions naturally we can have a ‘theology of religions’. This is the development of doctrine.So see the  'development':first the ITC assumes there are known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma. Then it assumes that if a few non Catholics can be saved many can also be saved. It recommends a ‘theology of religions’ which Pope John Paul II prohibited in the CDF Notification to Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J.(2001). Then the ITC concludes that if adults can be saved in their non Catholic religions without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water so can infants. So it is hoped that all infants will go to Heaven and not Limbo.

The whole series of wrong conclusions originated from the Richard Cushing error i.e. baptism of desire cases are known on earth who are exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma. They now call this 'a development of doctrine' at the Pontifical Universities in Rome, Urbaniana etc.

So when the SSPX bishop says that the pope is a modernist he does not realize that the cause is one philosophical oversight which is influencing theology and that the same error is also being made by the SSPX. The SSPX bishops too are modernists on this issue.

Once this error is identified things will become clear for every one.

The Prefect of the CDF and the SSPX bishops, or other bishops and cardinals need to say the obvious: "We do not know any case of a non Catholic saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire”, then the whole spiral of errors will come crashing down and then we can put the right pieces together again.-Lionel Andrades

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 
ITC documents 'Christianity and the World Religions' and 'The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without being baptized ' need to be retracted or corrected: Richard Cushing flaw runs through

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