Friday, June 29, 2012

Sr.Ilia Delio, LCWR sell reincarnation based on a ‘scientific fraud’.

Franciscan Sr. Ilia Delio says that we should be excited about the billions of years ahead of us as we evolve (re-incarnate) into future Christs over many life times,billions of years on earth.

This is also the theory put out by Buddhists,Hindus, Freemasons, Theosophists and the Catholic, Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR).

They call it the Boddisatwa Principle. However Sr. Ilia is officially a Catholic and not a Buddhist. What is clear is that she really is full of contradictions as she picks and chooses from different religions and philosophies.

She says in an interview with U.S Catholic that she believes in the Holy Trinity, the Godhead but it seems, without the Catholic Church or even any of the Christian communities.She believes in the Trinity, which is a Catholic concept defined in the fourth century  by a Catholic Church Council  and which did not include the Sister's Buddhist and Vedic philosophies.

She bases her view on the writings of the scientist and Jesuit priest Teilhard di Chardin praised by Freemasons and occultists.

In Teilhard's theology  the world is evolving towards an Omega Point. All  humans will be a Christ, as Sr.Illia puts it. This theory is based on a fraud called the Piltdown Man.In the Piltdown Man excavation for the ‘missing link’ for evolution Teilhard participated.

In June 1912 he formed part of the original digging team and  performed follow-up investigations at the Piltdown site, after the discovery of the first fragments of the (fraudulent) "Piltdown Man".(Wikipedia).

 The Piltdown Man was supposed to be the evidence to prove that man descended from the apes. The New York Times dated March 19, 1937 presented Teilhard as the Jesuit who held that man descended from monkeys.

The Piltdown man was a fraud created by a few friends of Teilhard.(1) Finally, in 1953, it was confirmed that the Piltdown man was not an ancestor; it was not a case of erroneous interpretation; it was a case of  deliberate fraud. The end of the hoax came when a new dating technique, the fluorine absorption test, became available. The Piltdown fossils were dated with this test in 1949; the tests established that the fossils were relatively modern.

The hoax was discovered while Teilhard was still alive.

In 1955 he was forbidden by his Superiors to attend the “International Congress of Paleontology” and in 1957 the Holy Office in a decree dated 15 Nov 1957, forbade his writings to be retained in libraries, including those of religious institutes. His books were not to be sold in Catholic bookshops and were not to be translated in other languages.

There was no Piltdown man and the fossils were put together fraudulently it was general knowledge and this should be known to Sr.Ilia Delio  and the LCWR. The Sisters are still presenting the evolution of consciousness, the evolution of all humans over millions of lifetimes, perfected in billions of lives on earth, as, a scientific finding.

Sr.Ilia’s message seems : Life is meant to be enjoyed, just love every one and all nature and creation.Love God. There is no hell or sufferinhg after this life, we are all meant to be gods,we are inherently gods and are are evolving towards a Perfection, to realize our Self which is One... So be happy .This world is good and the next will be better and we have billions of lifetimes ahead of us. This is exciting!’

This usually is the theme of New Age books which sell well like Jonathan Livingston Seagull,The Celestine Prophecy, the books of Dr.Deepak Chopra M.D. It’s the same pitch Adam and Eve got in the Garden of Eden.

Sr.Ilia cannot come out of the blue and ask Catholics to accpet her beliefs in reincarnation. She has to present it as something new. So the pharmacologist cites Teilhard di Chardin knowing that Chardin did not finally have any proof, at the end of his life, to support his theories. Even until today there is no proof that man has evolved from the apes, as it is being taught in schools, all over the world. It's more plausabile that the ape has devolved from human beings, as a degenerate species.

So what is the scientific basis for all that she is saying i.e  there is an evolution of consciousness.The human species develops over repeated life times on earth and this  must end in perfection, like Christ. Yet developments in paleontolgy, medical science, quantum physics, knowledge of the DNA does not indicate today that there is re- incarnation and man’s future state is perfection over many lifetimes.

Sr.Ilia has been awarded the leftist Templeton Prize which carries a large sum of money with the award.She has not contributed either to religion or science.

The Franciscan sister says that the earth is billion of years and probably these are figures from ‘approved’ scientists, just as today we have approved research on homosexuality  and also 'unapproved' research, which presents gays negatively and which cannot be made public.

Sr.Ilia Delio like Teilhard has rejected Original Sin, Hell and exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church (Vatican Council II, AG 7, dogma Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 etc).
-Lionel Andrades

Sr.Ilia Delio, LCWR concept of evolution of consciousness is without Original Sin, Hell and exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church

Photo of the Piltdown men contemplating Eoanthropus dawsonii.


  1. Are you equating evolution with reincarnation? They are not at all the same thing. I have found no reference at all to reincarnation in what Sister Delio says, but if you have a quotation where she speaks of it, I would appreciate seeing it.

  2. “...what happened to Jesus must happen to us as well.”

    Sr.Ilia is saying like Teilhard di Chardin that we are evolving, perfecting until we reach Perfection. This would be the Omega Point of Chardin.
    How can you be perfected?
    The Oriental religions tell us that we can be perfected over many life times.Billions of years, as Sr.Ilia observes.

    She says:
    “The point is that just as Jesus is the Christ, we, too, are part of the Christ mystery, the Word-made-flesh, God’s love incarnate, which has evolved through 14 billion years.”


    We too are part of the ‘mystery’ she says which has evolved through 14 billion years.

    She was probably 'a something' which evolved into an ape and now a women and will be pefected over billions of lifetimes on an evolving earth.

    She says:

    'Science tells us that evolutionary creation will continue on earth for billions of years. The evolutionary universe may go on for 100 trillion years. A lot has happened before us, and a lot is going to happen after us. So stay tuned. I think in the next billion years, the best is yet to come.'

    So stay tuned you will be there for the next billion of years , the best is yet to come.

    She says:
    'I also think we need to lighten up a little bit and enjoy the ride. Christian life is an adventure, God’s adventure in love. We need to recapture a sense of this cosmic adventure in love and that we’re part of it.'

    We need to enjoy the ride during this lifetime since there is no Hell or Original Sin we are in a cosmic adventure spanning billions of lifetimes.

  3. very sad. I'm so glad that this is not my view of life
