Thursday, June 14, 2012

Where is the text in Vatican Council II which refers to an ecclesiology of communion?

The Theological and Spiritual Section of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress has just appealed to the Spirit of Vatican Council II and without any texts says that the focus should be on Jesus and so communion with all Christian denominations. It then assumes that the Holy Spirit is promoting the Church in this direction.(1)

In other words I could in the name of Jesus and the Spirit of Vatican Council II attend a Jehovah's Witness program and in communion with them do street evangelization, distribute sacred pictures of Jesus and also speak about  Jesus as understood by their religion.

It also means according to the organisers that the Holy Spirit is denying Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II and is saying that for salvation all non Catholics no more need to enter the Church.

Even though Vatican Council II indicates outside the church there is no salvation and there is an exclusive ecclesiocentrism in the Catholic Church, as in the past, it is being said that the Spirit now teaches something different i.e Protestant and Orthodox Christians are not on the way to Hell, unless they convert. Instead, their religions are equal paths to salvation as the Catholic Church. So joint evangelization is being encouraged in the name of Jesus even with those in the mortal sin of faith, in heresy.
Where is the text in Vatican Council II which refers to an ecclesiology of communion?
There is none!
-Lionel Andrades

Promoting the Ecclesiology and Spirituality of Communion
34. In the light of the Second Vatican Council’s ecclesiology of communion that centred on the Person of Jesus Christ, it could be said that the Spirit today is prompting the whole Church in the direction of promoting a spirituality of communion that lets Jesus Christ be seen and encountered.-THE EUCHARIST COMMUNION WITH CHRIST AND WITH ONE ANOTHER Theological and Pastoral Reflections in Preparation for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress. June 10-17 Dublin Ireland.


The 50th International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) underway in Dublin, Ireland is based on dissent and heresy by the established Roman Catholic Church.


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