Thursday, July 5, 2012

Archbishop Augustine Di Noia says the Holy Spirit preserves the Church from error including the interpretation of Vatican Council II- we now know there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II, which one is guided by the Holy Spirit ?

Archbishop Augustine Di Noia says that the Holy Spirit preserves the Church from errors including the interpretation of Vatican Council II.We now know that there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II. Which one for him is guided by the Holy Spirit ?

Is the Holy Spirit saying that LG 8 and LG 16 are known exceptions to AG 7 and the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

Can the Holy Spirit make a mistake and assume that LG 16 and 8 are explicit and not implicit, they are explicitly known to God and to us for them to be exceptions?

Does the Holy Spirit in Ad Gentes 7 say that all Jews need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation ? Does this not negate what he has implied in the La Stampa interview about Jews not having to convert? Is this not a contradiction ?

The Church’s deep commitment to reconciliation with the Jewish People is personified today by Benedict XVI says Archbishop Di Noia.

Does this reconciliation mean Jews do not have to convert in the present times ? Is this Vatcian Council II and the teaching of the Holy Spirit ?

Can the Holy Spirit teach before Vatican Council II that Jews need to convert to avoid Hell and then change this teaching after Vatican Council 2 ? Where is the text in Vatican Council II for this claim?

Pope John Paul II gave us the Catechism of the Catholic Chruch which says all need to enter the Church as through a door (N.846). This would also include Jews. Dominus Iesus 20 has the same message. Pope John Paul II in Ecclesia di Eucarestia gave us an ecclesiology of outside the church there is no salvation. Redemptoris Missio 55 says that in inter religious dialogue it must be remembered that the Church is the ordinary means of salvation. So how can those claims be made today by the Archbishop, in the name of Pope John Paul II ?
-Lionel Andrades

The SSPX doesn’t spare criticism of the Ecumenical Council.

“One cannot state, as they do, that the Ecumenical Council was ‘full of errors’ because this means denying that the Holy Spirit preserves the Church from errors. They must realize that the full communion they are striving for means accepting the truth that the Church cannot be led into error. Through the Holy Father, we hear the voice of Peter, and we know that Peter has spoken to unite the Church. They believe the Council watered down the Church’s mission to non-Catholics. But this is not true. Vatican II documents do not deny the necessity for evangelization.”

1 comment:

  1. Who could doubt or question the good and noble and very personal intent of Pope John XXIII to convene Vatican Council II in spite of the pleading and begging of some wise Cardinals along with others that foresaw the last half century of what came to be called the severe Crisis of Faith. The breath of fresh air that Pope John XXII had hoped for also allowed for the breath, ill winds and works of the devil to partially destroy much of the credibility and holiness of Our Church from within.

    The Holy Fathers have suffered much because of the abuses, lack of clear catechesis and watering down of the Faith to unrecognized babel. And yet in spite of all of this, through the help and guidance of the Holy Ghost, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will do the will of God as is the guarantee.

    We have lived way too long not knowing where we are going and when you do not know where you are going , any road will get you there. Enough !

    .......and so we must Pray
