Monday, July 2, 2012


Archbishop Di Noia the new Vice-President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei told Catholic News Service June 26 ‘ when you read the documents (of Vatican II), you can't read them from the point of view of some liberal bishops who may have been participants (at the council), you have to read them at face value," Archbishop Di Noia told CNS. "Given that the Holy Spirit is guiding the church, the documents cannot be in discontinuity with tradition."

If the Vatican Council II documents are read in continuity with Tradition it would make Vatican Council II (AG 7) anti Semitic ,according to the Jewish Left, who protest against the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

If the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) admits that Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) agrees with the SSPX position on other religions (including Judaism) ecumenism and religious liberty, the latter being a natural consequence of the dogma on exclusive salvation, they would meet the Jewish Left criteria of being anti Semitic.

If Vatican Council II is anti Semitic, when it supports the literal interpretation of the dogma then it means all Dominicans, Franciscans and Jesuits can hold the literal interpretation of the dogma along with being saved with implicit and invincible ignorance. It also means Vatican Council II supports Fr. Leonard Feeney.

Catholic liberals assume LG 16 is an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma so we have their interpretation of Vatican Council II and we also have the anti-Semitic version.

The  SSPX uses the liberal’s interpretation of Vatican Council II and also assumes LG 16 is an explicit exception. So they reject Vatican Council II.

Traditionalists supporting Fr. Leonard Feeney criticize the liberals and the SSPX for denying the ancient interpretation of the dogma. They are silent about LG 16 being implicit and not being an explicit exception to the traditional interpretation.

It is important to remember that LG 16 states that ‘those who do not know the Gospel through no fault of their own and who follow the dictates of their conscience’ can be saved. LG 16 does not say that these cases are known to us, or are the ordinary means of salvation or that they contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma or that they contradict AG 7 which says all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water for salvation.

Cardinal Ladaria and Cardinal Koch at the Vatican Curia assume that LG 16 is explicit and so contradicts the literal interpretation of the centuries old dogma. So they expect the SSPX to accept their version of the Council before receiving canonical status.

The Ladaria-Koch version is a break with Tradition. It rejects the literal interpretation of the dogma.

When Archbishop Di Noia told CNS. "Given that the Holy Spirit is guiding the church, the documents cannot be in discontinuity with tradition" he was recommending the anti-Semitic version of Vatican Council II for the SSPX.

The Holy Spirit has not changed the teachings of the Church and Vatican Council II (AG 7) is in accord with the dogma while LG 16 is not an explicit exception.-Lionel Andrades

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