Friday, July 13, 2012


The syncretistic World Conference of Religion and Peace (WCRP) based in the United Nations, through its affiliate Religioni per la Pace (Religions for Peace) was to hold a a joint prayers for peace in Rome yesterday.

Praying for peace and tolerance is a good thing, especially when prayed in the Catholic Church. However the WCRP is represented by some very intolerant persons.

The co president of the WCRP is Rabbi Rosen who has been supporting the Jewish Left to demand  restrictions on Catholic worship and beliefs. They have been telling Catholics what is the approved and permitted religious belief.They have also been indirectly telling Catholics that their religion is inadequate and changes should be made.

The WRCP, whose members include  Jewish Left organisations, have been projecting themselves as ‘open’ and ‘broad binded’ .While in Italy and other countries the Jewish Left  have been using anti Semitism and other leftist laws like a weapon against Christians.

Pope Benedict XVI is forced to say that Jews do not have to convert in the present times.In an article in a Catholic magazione in California, Rabbi Rosen used a quotation to make a point on 'how many divisions does the pope have ?'.

WRCP is expected along with other such interfaith groups to work towards the creation of a one world politically approved  religion. This ecumenical religion when it fully surfaces is not expected to be tolerant of the Catholic Mass and devotion to Our Lady.

According to Zenit News, Religions for Peace were  to pray  for Christian victims in Africa. The event was to be held  at the meeting centre of the San.Egidio community in Trastevere.

The founder of the Sant Egidio community Andre Riccardi speaking at the Basilica del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, Termini, Rome has said  Catholics should give up their traditional concept of mission.This community's projects are possibly funded by the Left here.

Sant Egidio approved by the Jewish Left  have a secular approach to religions. Rabbi Segni has said that he would like all Catholic organisations to be like the Sant Egidio community.

Mgr. Vincenzo Paglia, bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia and ecclesiastical counsellor of the Community of Sant'Egidio, has been appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as President of the Pontifical Council for Family.He says Jews do not have to convert in the present time. If he said they did, things would not be peaceful.

Religions for Peace is well funded and now has a registered office in Rome.
 -Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. I follow Michael Voris regularly. May God Bless him for courageously speaking the truth.


