Sunday, July 1, 2012


The media needs to see that the SSPX–Vatican problem is over ecclesiology and not Vatican Council II. If the right questions are asked liberal Catholics and other dissenters will not be able to produce any reference text from Vatican Council II, to support the non traditional interpretation of the Council.The media just has to ask the SSPX bishops or the Vatican Jesuit spokesman two questions and everything will fall into place. The two questions are:

  • 1. Do we know people in Heaven, or on earth, saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire?
  • 2. If we do not know any such person then those saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) are not exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
    (Note: there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church and there are no known exceptions, since invincble ignorance and the baptism of desire are accepted in principle ,only as possibilities they are accepted in theory, in faith. In reality we do not know any such case.)

    When the media asks these two questions and the answer based on common sense, has to be for N.1. No we do not know any such case and for N.2. Yes they are not exceptions to the literal interpretation - important conclusions follow.

    It means Vatican Council II supports the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the SSPX position on other religions and ecumenism.

    It also means Vatican Council II is saying all non Catholics, Jews included, are oriented to Hell unless before death they convert into the Church.

    It means Vatican Council II is not an issue of tension or division in the present Vatican–SSPX talks. Vatican Council II is not even an issue.

    The media is leftist and so they are not going to ask these questions. It’s unfortunate that the traditionalist media are opposed to Vatican Council II ( for the wrong reasons) and so also are not going to ask the correct questions. Neither are these questions being asked by the traditionalists who correctly support Fr. Leonard Feeney.

    It’s been a few years now since I have been asking these two questions of the SSPX priests Frs. Peter Scott and Francois Laisney and their supporters, but they will not answer. Doctrinal confusion exists among the SSPX.

    If John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter understands the two questions he is not going to ask it of the SSPX or the Vatican and so embarrass sponsors and financiers of the NCR. The conclusion is opposed to the propaganda of the NCR.

    When the SSPX rejects Vatican Council II they are rejecting an interpretation of the Vatican Council II which assumes LG 16 is explicit and not implicit. So they assume LG 16 is an implicit exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also to Ad Gentes 7. Ad Gentes 7 says all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation.

    So the SSPX rejects an interpretation by liberals who cannot cite any reference text from Vatican Council II for ‘the theology of religions’ or ‘ecclesiology of communion’.Since those saved in invincible ignorance , a good conscience, seeds of the Word, imperfect communion with the Church and other forms of implicit salvation are unknown to us on earth. They do not to contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma and AG 7. The liberals can no more quote  any  text from Vatican Council II. All they can fall back on is the phrase ‘spirit of Vatican Council ‘. Which can mean accepting Jesus according to the teachings of the Jehovah Witnesses.

    Opponents of Fr. Leonard Feeney assume I’m denying the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance and so do nothing about the two questions. I have to keep repeating that the baptism of desire is always implicit and so we have no choice but to accept it in theory, as a possibility, acceptable only in faith.It is always irrelevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma. The SSPX priests do not admit they are wrong and neither will they say in public that I am correct and neither as priests will they correct me, a layman.

    The Left will not even allow this issue to be discussed on Rorate Caeli. Threats will follow if the comments are not pulled down.

    I have not taken this issue to the media and neither do I intend to do so now. I would prefer that this issue is raised first among the bishops and the Vatican.I would prefer it to be discussed in  the Catholic media.-Lionel Andrades

    1 comment:

    1. I may be naive but I still have hope and prayer that the Holy Ghost will guide Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI as he personally completes the dossier in regards to SSPX. Hopefully the issue of No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church along with the explicit necessity of Baptism of Water in addition to the Jewish conversion question will be correctly resolved in the manner that had been taught consistently and correctly for centuries.

      Common sense would cry out that the Church was absolutely correct on these matters for centuries as guided by the Holy Ghost. The last half century has been a field day or Satan in his goal to destroy the Church from within.

      Let us pray we get this behind us as soon as possible.
