Monday, July 2, 2012

Traditionalist model of Vatican Council II is anti Semitic.

The Traditionalist model of Vatican Council II is anti Semitic, for many, hence there have been calls to pull it down when it appears in the media e.g Rorate Caeli.

Even Bishop Bernard Fellay who has removed alleged anti Semitic material from the SSPX websites in Canada etc is not touching the anti Semitic model of Vatican Council II.

Bishop Fellay suspended a priest in Italy, who was not sure if the Holocaust figure was more or less than the politically approved one,even he does not want to affirm the anti Semitic version of Vatican Council II. He just rejects Vatican Council II - period.

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) bishops have embraced their alleged opponents, the liberals, on this issue.They accept and also reject Vatican Council II i.e they accept the Jewish Left non anti Semitic version of Vatican Council II and at the same time they reject it because it is not traditional.

The rabbi at the Angelicum telephoned Rorate Caeli when comments, on Rorate posts, said that Cardinal Kurt Koch was at the Angelicum on May 16, 2012 and told reporters that the SSPX would have to accept Vatican Council II (non Anti Semitic version) for canonical status.

He also added for good measure that Jews do not have to accept the New Covenant which Jesus won for us with His blood and of course Jews do not have to convert in the present times.For the Bible and the Creed to claim that they do have to convert, would be entering the politics of anti Semitism.-Lionel Andrades
Vatican Council II holds the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is information being blocked out by Rorate Caeli: Threats of anti-Semitism?

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