Thursday, August 30, 2012


Will the SSPX accept Bishop Di Noia and the Curia's condition that non Catholics do not have to convert in the present time?
According to reports the SSPX has expelled Father Florian Abrahamowicz, for denying the Holocaust and being considered anti Semitic by the Jewish community. There are unconfirmed reports on the forum that the Society has also expelled Fathers.Chazal, Pfieffer, Fox and others. They had videos on the internet which criticized Zionism and the Assisi Meeting supported by the Jewish Left.
To avoid litgation and political problems will the SSPX give up its  traditional teaching on other religions as the Vatican has done?
Cardinal Kurt Koch and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia have, probably also to avoid anti Semitism charges and other leftist laws, said that Jews do not have to convert in the present times.
It is known that the ADL on its website opposed the beatification of Pope John Paul II until the Vatican agreed to project him as a liberal pope; the pope who gave us Dominus Iesus and approved the Notification on Fr.Jacques Dupuis S.J.
Canon 915 should also apply to Cardinal Kurt Koch and Archbishop Di Noia for being in public manifest mortal sin.They have denied Vatican Council II (AG 7), the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and other Magisterial texts.They have interpreted Vatican Council II as a break from Tradition and an exception to the dogma on salvation and to the Syllabus of Errors. Canon 915 will not be applied since they are following the pope's position on this issue.
For the SSPX to accept this condition for canonical status would be putting itself in public heresy.
The expulsion of the priests indicates that the SSPX could be under pressure  to change its position on traditional mission and adopt the Vatican line to avoid being targeted with litigation and demands for compensation.
Inspite of such pressure Bishop Richard Williamson has not flinched.It is to be seen how the SSPX responds on this issue.
Will the SSPX accept Bishop Di Noia and the Curia's condition that non Catholics do not have to convert in the present time?
-Lionel Andrades

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