Sunday, August 12, 2012


There has been so much written and spoken about Dignitatis Humanae (DH), Vatican Council II without mentioning that the real issue is extra ecclesiam nulla sales. If there is ambiguity in DH it is because of the rejection of the dogma on salvation.

If it is accepted that Vatican Council II endorses extra ecclesiam nulla salus then Religious Liberty is no more ambiguous in Vatican Council II.

So the ambiguity in Religious Liberty is not in DH but  when it is assumed that Lumen Gentium 16,on invincible ignorance and being saved with a good conscience, are known exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.

This is the Richard Cushing heresy to assume that a defined dogma has explicit exceptions and that we can see the dead saved with a good conscience.This is irrational. It is also an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.

There are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So the Council affirms the traditional understanding of religious liberty.

If one is a priest in or out of the SSPX - affirm Vatican Council II in accord with the dogma and the Syllabus or Errors and reject the Richard Cushing Error of the visible baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Lionel,
    There was much truth and wisdom in what Fr.Nicholas Pfluger said in your recent video posting.
    As Father points out,events can move much much slower than we would like. Father said that it can take a full generation to cause terrible outcomes, such as what we have experienced in the decades long, Crisis of Faith.

    It may take three generations to correct the crisis. If we are given this time it still will take much prayer, diligence and the help of the Holy Ghost. As Father points out, Pope Benedict XVI has said that in the end the proper and most Holy Mass will win the day. If we needed to say the Mass in the Vernacular, it already existed opposite each page of the Latin in the St. Joseph Missal with proper and reverent translation. Liberties, confusion, liturgical abuse along with a watered down version of the Sacred words have been the legacy of Vatican II. BUT we are on the mend.

    As Father goes on to say that pronouncing that the true faith "Subsists" rather than "is" in the Catholic Faith alone, along with so many other examples led to the watered down confusion, lack of clarity and inability of the Clergy to be on the same page and correctly address Baptism of Desire, Baptism of Blood, Invincible Ignorance, Conversion of Non Catholics etc. These issues did turn into complete babel. Hugs, kisses, love and Charity without truth is doomed to failure and does result in the continual loss of souls.
