Friday, August 17, 2012

St.Maximillian Kolbe is in accord with Vatican Council II the 'ecclesiology of communion' is not

A liberal writing for the Miles Immaculatae magazine wants Kolbe adapted to the liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II.

In the Jan-June 2012 issue of the publication Miles Immaculatae is the article San Massimiliano Kolbe e la Famiglia Ecclesiale by Maria Calzoloro. This bi-annual magazine is published by the Militia International (M.I) Center, Rome of the General Curia of the Friars Conventual.

Maria Calzooro cites a C. Napiorkowski’s speech at the Kolbean congress 2001 (p.58, 59) in which he says we cannot carry everything Kolbean into the 21st century.

Maria Calzoro asks what can be carried into the present time which does not conflict with the ‘ecclesiology of communion’.

Why?! I ask how can there be an ecclesiology of communion when Vatican Council II affirms the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus? Where is the theological basis for an ecclesiology of communion?

The ecclesiology of communion is a fraud since it has no theological basis in Vatican Council II. It is based on the Cardinal Richard Cushing error of the dead-visible i.e. those saved in invincible ignorance etc are visible to us on earth. Since they are visible to us the cardinal-archbishop of Boston cited these cases as exceptions to the dogma and to Fr. Leonard Feeney’s interpretation. So for him there was salvation outside the church.

If there are no known exceptions on earth how can there be salvation outside the Church? So how can you have an ecclesiology which claims there is salvation outside the Catholic Church?

St. Maximillian Kolbe and the Militia Immaculata taught the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which would be endorsed a few decades later in Vatican Council II (AG 7, NA 4).

Kolbe is in accord with Vatican Council II the theology of communion is not.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. I think most priests are scared and/or truly do not know the answers to the supernatural mechanics of Baptism of Desire or Invincible Ignorance. Even if they were to say that we do not know and can not name anyone who was Saved by either Baptism of Desire or Invincible Ignorance that they just know that it happens by the grace of God, this would NEVER exempt a Catholic to teach the faith explicitly and NEVER teach or imply that there is Salvation Outside the Catholic Church with any person that they will interact with in this life.

    Yes there could be the possibility of someone in some remote part of the world stuck in the top of a tree with a grizzly bear at the bottom for his/her entire life BUT this situation would be known only to God. Enough of the catechesis of mystery teaching and failure to teach what centuries of saints gave their life for. It as if the emperor(not the Pope) has no clothes.
