Friday, August 24, 2012


I was talking to a seminarian of the Franciscan Conventuals, the community of Saint Maximillian Kolbe. He could not speak about the dogma on exclusive salvation,which is based on the Biblical teaching (John 3:5,Mk.6:16). He said he was studying Philosophy and had not begun theology.

Even the priests of his community at the Center on Via San Teodoro, where St. Maximillian Kolbe lived, will not answer the question:'Do  non Catholics need to convert for salvation?'

In the Jan-June 2012 edition of the Miles Immaculate there is confusion on doctrine contradicting the Catholic Faith. St.Maximillian Kolbe affirmed the ‘strict interpretation’ of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.(There is only one interpretation but the media uses this term)

How is extra ecclesiam nulla salus contrary to Vatican Council II? This seems the message in one of the articles when the writer Calzaloro refers to Vatican Council II.

Today the SSPX is criticized for not accepting Vatican Council II but the real issue is extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The Franciscan Conventuals interpret Vatican Council II as saying there is salvation outside the church. They use the premise:' those who are saved in invincible ignorance and who are now dead, are known to us, they are visible to us on earth.' So their conclusion is that there are exceptions to the dogma on salvation and hence there is salvation outside the Church.

This is the issue that separates the heretics and those who like St. Maximillian Kolbe believe outside the church there is no salvation.

The wrong premise is made in the Miles Immaculatae magazine and it is the political position of those who write for that magazine. In reality they are saying that extra ecclesiam nulla salus as held by St. Maximillian Kolbe is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

But it is contrary to Vatican Council ,only with the false premise, which makes the Council say there is salvation outside the Catholic Church.

It’s the priests who are afraid, to proclaim the Faith as did St.Maximillian Kolbe. So  seminarians are confused.

Similarly at the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Philosophy seminary ,Boccea, Rome it is the priests formatters who are afraid to proclaim the faith.

The Gospel today is not being proclaimed in Rome in homilies or publications.

It’s the deposit of faith that there can be implicit desire .It is not the deposit of faith that implicit desire is known or is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

This is part of the confusion.-Lionel Andrades


1 comment:

  1. When I attended a Mass over three years ago on January 1st, the Priest ? opened the homily by saying that, He had an epiphany for us in that the Church erred for centuries in teaching that there was no Salvation Outside the Catholic Church. Had I been stronger in my faith I would have walked out of Mass with my family. As it were, I shouted "heretic" several times right outside the Church upon leaving. I wish I had that to do over again. The reason I bring this up is that it demonstrates how severe the Crisis of Faith really is in the battle with Satan that we find ourselves in today !
