Saturday, September 1, 2012


If God did grant a non baptized aborted baby to enter Heaven then that would indeed be an exception to the need for the baptism of water for all, says a post on the extra ecclesiam nulla salus forum.So Comumba's next question is : If you say there are no exceptions how can this be possible? (1)

It is important to keep in mind that for Columba the aborted non baptized baby is known to us.Since the baby is known to us, for her, it is an exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.

If the non baptized aborted baby who entered Heaven was just a possibility known only to God it would not contradict the teaching that every one on earth needs the baptism of water with Catholic Faith for salvation.It would also mean that we do not know any non baptized baby in 2012 who is saved. This is rational. We do not know any of these cases for them to be considered exceptions.
-Lionel Andrades

George wrote:
IF and I say if God granted that an aborted baby were to be in Heaven with Him that is NOT an exception to needing Baptism of water. God is not bound by His Sacraments.

If God DID grant that an non-baptized aborted baby entered heaven then that indeed would be an exceptrion to the need for Baptism. It matters not whether God binds himself to act exclusively through the sacraments of His Church (not all of which are necessary for all but at least one is necessary for all) the non-baptized baby entering heaven would remain an exception to the necessity of Baptism. If you say there are no eceptions how can this be?

1 comment:

  1. The word exception means: The act of excepting or excluding from a number designated or from a description; that which is excepted or separated from others in a general or specifically defined rule or description.

    I volunteer at Right To Life. My encounters with those about to kill their baby in the womb is not even describeable in terms of the profound hurt and sorrow. What becomes of these aborted souls? At this point in Church history, we truly do not know. There is absolutely no exception to the necessity of Baptism of Water as being necessary for Salvation. Therefore on Earth, it is absolutely wrong to teach that God saves the aborted babies and that they are in Heaven. However as Father Feeney talks about in his book, 'Bread of Life' ; we must teach the faith explicitly with the hard and fast truths and leave the unknown mercies to God. There is no known way to attain the end (Heaven) without this means Baptism of Water that is known on Earth. In the case of the aborted baby, what we do know is that they did no wrong other then the stain of original sin. Can we teach or believe that they are in Hell, Limbo, Purgatory or Heaven? Absolutely not. The Church Fathers have agonized over this issue for centuries. We may hope and pray for the mercy of God who may save none, part or all of such souls,in ANY manner that He wills. These souls if saved would in no way be an exception to the mandate to teach baptism of Water as necessary for ALL. An angel could baptize with water for example. Angels are messengers and might do much more then we could ever fathom. One should never affront the unknown miracles, design and will of God. To think that God could make an exception is nonsense for God is God,
