Friday, September 21, 2012

Black out on reports of the SSPX being in agreement with Vatican Council II

How can they be penalised for rejecting the leftist version of the Council?

In the Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews there was open threat of war by Israel which was reported in the newspapers here. So the pope said that the prayer was not for the conversion of the Jews in the present times. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel accepted the surrender.

When the excommunication of Bishop Richard Williamson was lifted there was a protest from Europe and the US. Catholic bishops Conferences supported the Jewish Left. The bishops were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. There was an international protest against the Vatican being anti Semitic according to the leftist version of this political slogan.

Now these same forces are ordering the pope to accept a leftist version of Vatican Council II.

The pope has agreed and has made this a condition for the acceptance of the SSPX with canonical status.

So the ‘theology of religions ‘and ‘ecclesiology of communion’ is being forced upon the SSPX .Both these theologies carry the Richard Cushing virus.

The pope has agreed with the ‘enemies of the church’, as St. Maximillian Kolbe described them, and now the SSPX must accept these doctrinal heresies in public just as this has been done by Pope Benedict XVI and his Curia.

This issue cannot be discussed on Catholic forums and websites since there are threats from the Jewish Left. Recently even Fr.John Zuhlsdorf  in What does the prayers really say? have to strongly criticize Bishop Richard Williamson. Earlier he seemed to  support Bishop Williamson in his comments  on his website,  critical of Archbishop Augustine Di Noia in the National Catholic Register interview. Fr.John  quoted Edward Pention of the NCR saying something like there was such a fuss about Bishop Williamson and no objecting to the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus not being implemented by anyone. Anyone who supports Bishop Richard Wiliamson and the dogma could be considered anti-Semitic.

The unofficial police must have got to him just as a reformed Rabbi called up Rorate Caeli and had comments on Cardinal Kurt Koch removed. They were calling up from a position of authority.

So Catholic forums do not want to discuss another interpretation of Vatican Council II which is in accord with Tradition and  the dogma on exclusive salvation according to Bellarmine, Loyola and Xavier. Vatican Council II in agreement with the Syllabus of Error is news that must be blocked.

This is the new fascism. Dialogue depends on political power. Dialogue means “You first do as I say and then we will talk as much as you want”.After the pope said that the Revised Good Friday Prayer was not for the conversion of the Jews, the Jewish left ‘resumed dialogue’. It meant there would now be no threat of hostilities.

These days the people of the Old Testament, Muslims and Jews are mostly in the news.-Lionel Andrades

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