Thursday, September 13, 2012


'The ecclesial service of the Magisterium is rooted in explicit Divine Will ' says Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, Vatican

It is not Divine Will that the Magisterium must  change  the teachings of the Catholic Church.According to Vatican Council II (AG 7) all non Catholics needs to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation and this includes Protestants. Yet Pope Benedict and the Vatican Curia have indicated that they do not have to convert into the Church for salvation. They have also indicated that this is the teaching of the Catholic Church. This is not Divine Will. The Holy Spirit cannot have one way for going to Heaven and avoiding Hell before Vatican Council II and another way after Vatican Council II. Objective reality does not change.

The Magisterium after Vatican Council II interprets the Council with no supportive texts.This is a break from tradition. It has the hermeneutic of discontinuity.

This is not 'explicit Divine Wil'l. There is no  New Revelation in the Catholic Church to indicate that Divine Will has changed as the cardinal suggests.
The SSPX has to accept these errors in the name of Vatican Council II.

Cardinal Mauro Piacenza says:
One might make reference also to openness toward Christians belonging to other confessions, which has caused the preciousness of unity to re-emerge, in all its beauty, as a necessary attribute of the Church, and as a gift, freely offered by Christ, of being ever welcoming, by means of a continuous purification of those who belong to Him.
According to Vatican Council II (AG 7)  Christians belonging to other confessions need Catholic Faith for salvation.The Vatican does not mention this or seem open to this Conciliar teaching. AG 7 indicates that the explicit Divine Will has not changed.-Lionel Andrades
Clergy Congregation Prefect Speaks of the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II By Antonio Gaspari ROME, SEPT. 10, 2012 ( .-

1 comment:

  1. What have we done to centuries of official Church teaching and countless Popes and Saints many who gave their lives for believing, teaching,adhering and proclaiming that there is 'No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church'

    Reformulated it now means to all but a few that the Catholic Church is but an option or choice out of many beliefs. Most have come to belief in exceptions, different paths and the elimination for the need for conversion. Ask 10 Clerics to explain Salvation in 1952. Ask 10 clerics to explain Salvation in 2012. Enough ! It is for those of good will to be counted. What would Jesus say?
