Friday, September 7, 2012

For Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith and Damian Thompson the Catholic understanding of salvation is difficult

Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith who is a correspondent for the Catholic Herald,U.K and has a doctorate in moral theology presents Catholics with the Protestant understanding of salvation. The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Ad Gentes 7 Vatican Council II is not the ordinary means of salvation for him.

He writes :

And yet we are told in the Scriptures and in the constant tradition of the Church that salvation is of Christ the Lord and that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Outside Christ there is no salvation. This cannot be denied. I could quote numerous verses of Scripture to back this up – but I would rather just point to the whole of Scripture as bearing witness to Christ and salvation through Him. 
This is Protestantism.

Like Damian Thompson of the Catholic Herald ,Fr.Alexander Lucie-Smith is fully aware of the Church’s teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church but they do not want to support it.

There are meaningless reports and reviews of Islamic and Jewish events and programs in England with no reference to Catholic doctrinal teaching. It is not politically correct in Protestant and leftist England and so it is not good for business. They deny the Catholic Faith and only print what is acceptable.
-Lionel Andrades

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