Sunday, September 16, 2012

If they acknowledge this truth, then at Mass we could hear priests say during homilies that outside the church there is no salvation and the JWs are outside.

The Jehovah's Witnesses(JW) were there today morning at the Battistini  Metro Station, Rome. There were  no Catholics handing out tracts and willing to talk abut how their Church is the one true Church outside of which there is no salvation.

 The JW' s were inspired at  weekly Bible classes and what they had learnt impelled them to come to the station.

 The three men in the photo are probably ex Catholics. They are part of a system that makes it easy to talk about Jesus and cite the Bible - even though with errors.

They are all on the way to Hell but there  is no Catholic there to tell them that.Believing in Jesus is not enough.One needs to do the will of God and the will of God is that all be united in the Catholic Church (CCC846). The Church is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood (CCC846). To go to Heaven the JW's need Catholic Faith (AG 7).

No priest or Spiritual Director is likely to say this to them. They do not  even preach it in homilies.

Since they believe Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong. He did not accept the baptism of desire as an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Even the Vatican is not willing to announce the truth i.e the baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma, since we cannot see the dead. We do not know anyone dead and saved. The baptism of desire is irrelevant.

 If they acknowledge this truth, then at Mass, we could  hear priests say during homilies that outside the church there is no salvation and the JWs are outside.
-Lionel Andrades


  1. Amen,Lionel

    Can we not stay with Jesus for one lifetime in the Garden(9?) and profess our Faith, not with arrogance but in charitable yet unabated and non watered down complete truth. The silence is deafening and the denial is worse.


  2. On Earth,especially in sports it is said that moral victories are of little positive consequence. That is probably true. But in Heaven moral victories (Truth) are the 'stuff' that Salvation is made of.
