Saturday, September 8, 2012


I spoke to a Eucharistic Minister at the Church San Leone Magno, Via Boccea Rome on Sept 6,2012. I asked her if a man with a pony tail, and carrying a women's bag at Mass in the mornings was a homosexual who was given the Eucharist ?

I mentioned I had seen him receiving the Eucharist and had a photo of him.I was asking these questions I mentioned so that I could write about it on my blog.He was immodestly dressed to receive the Eucharist. Also the type of clothing and the way he was dressed, the look he had, would identify him as active among the gays.

The Eucharistic Minister, Signora Giovanna, who was locking up the church, said he was an an educated, good person.He is given the Eucharist at Mass she said since we are not supposed to judge any one. She said I could quote her.

The way he is dressed indicates he is a homosexual I said and he should go for Confession and change his lifestyle before receiving the Eucharist. She agreed that Confession was needed.However she still thought it was alright for him to receive the Eucharist.

I mentioned that Pope John Paul II in Veritatis Splendor the encyclical on moral theology said that a mortal sin is a mortal sin and the outward action indicates the inner intention. This is contrary to the liberal interpretation that we cannot judge a person from his outward actions.

I met Signora Giovanna also today and asked her how could she give the Eucharist in principle to a homosexual, not just this person. She said I cannot judge and walked away.

For the Eucharistic Minister this was not even an issue of immodesty. Immodesty is  a sin which you can see before you. It results in lust in the onlooker and is the cause of scandal. The priest and Eucharistic Minister  can see the way a Catholic is dressed and they judge it is not immodest.Then  they say one cannot judge the sin of immodesty. One can see the person before you, one does not have to judge .

A mortal sin leads to Hell for all eternity where the 'worm dieth not and the fire is never extinguished'. At Garabandal, Spain Our Lady told the visionaries not to go the to beach.

Fr.Umberto Liberti is the Rector of the church, Chiesa di San Leone Magno, Via Boccea 60 and is available from 16.30 to 17.30.Tel: 06-6633448. E-mail :
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. " Canons 768, 769, 777.1, and 773 clearly state the responsibilities of priests. It is imperative that we use this opportunity to instruct these souls with a basic catechesis on why they should confess their serious sins before receiving the Eucharistic Lord.

    We should also reach out to those Lapsed Catholics in our local areas who no longer attend mass at all. We can do this through every media possible including TV, radio, and newspapers. We also need to reach out and share the good news of the Gospel to those who live within our territory, who are non-believers, as we are called to do as evangelists as it is stated in Canon 771.2. "

    If the priest would have serious doubt, based on facts known to him, as to the worthiness of someone to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, he can and should act morally upon that information. All the more reason why an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion can be paced into a difficult situation in this regard. The distribution of Holy Communion should be reserved to the priest except for very serious reasons. But alas it has become the norm over the past half century.
    It is not for me to say how this would be handled, but handled it MUST be rather then offend and hurt Jesus. Perhaps the Priest would whisper to the individual 'please see me after Mass about communion ' etc. That is why giving Communion to KNOWN pro abortion Catholics is such a sacrilege.
