Saturday, September 15, 2012

It' time for the SSPX to diversify the ownership of its property and limit its liability.

If the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) places the ownership of its property in the name of different people associated with the SSPX, then the threat of losing all their property ends.Today under the anti- Semitism laws they could be asked to expel Bishop Richard Williamson.Tomorrow they could be asked not to proclaim Jesus and accept the Jewish Left understanding of history-without the Messiah.If not they could be sued for compensation.

Politically there is no demand that Catholics give up their faith in Jesus, who is anti-Semitic for many, but it could change tomorrow. New laws could be created.

They could close down Catholic and Christians websites and blogs but if they come for your property don't let then take it all at once.

The persecution of the SSPX is underway. Is the SSPX going to protect its interests by denying core Catholic teachings, as is being done by the Vatican?

Today they are applying thought control laws on one bishop. Tomorrow they could apply it to another.

The enemies of the Church want the SSPX to come 'in line' as the Opus Dei priests and the Opus Dei's Holy Cross University, Rome.Security in exchange for the faith as in Muslim ruled countries.-Lionel Andrades

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