Thursday, September 20, 2012


Vatican Council II says Catholics are the new people of God (NA 4) and outside the Church there is no salvation (AG 7).This interpretation of Vatican Council II is not approved by the Jewish Left so the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) cannot enter the Church with full canonical status.

Cardinals Luiz Ladaria and Kurt Koch and Archbishop Gerhard Muller could have got the same message as administrators of Catholic forums and websites. They could have been told that this is a non acceptable anti-Semitic interpretation of Vatican Council II. It will not be tolerated. It cannot also be discussed on Catholic internet forums.

The Gospel message is politically not acceptable to the left. So the Vatican Curia, with the approval of the pope has offered Catholics in general and the SSPX in particular, a new doctrine.The SSPX has to accept the new doctrine of Vatican Council II saying Jews do not have to convert in the present times. Those who do not accept this interpretation of Vatican Council II are schismatics, sedevacantists and heretics.There is no text in Vatican Council II which makes this claim.LG 16 does not contadict AG 7.Yet tradition is  considered  heretical and evil.

Catholics  are not to use the name Catholic as in the case of Michael Voris and Robert Sungenis. The name Catholic also does not apply to Bishop Bernard Fellay , Superior of the SSPX and many present day traditionalists.

This is ludicrous since retrospectively even St. Maximillian Kolbe and the saints and founders of religious communities  were not Catholics.

The Vatican has to protect its existence in its present form and so it chooses to obey those with political power including known enemies of the Church as the ADL.

So they are insisting that Vatican Council II be interpreted as a break from tradition; a break from the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as interpreted by St. Robert Bellarmine, and the Syllabus of Errors.

The SSPX‘s status cannot be regularised unless they choose heresy and an irrational and non traditional interpretation of the Council.Otherwise they could be hit by anti Semitism and other  leftist laws. Also new laws could be created to confiscate Church property.

Rabbi David Rosen, former ADL chief, has said that they have no objections to the SSPX being regularised as long as the SSPX meets their conditions. Pope Benedict understands. He meets their conditions.At the conference of the Rome Vicariate this summer  on the theme ,'Go out into the whole world and proclaim the Good News. Teach and baptism’ the pope spoke on a neutral subject and avoided the theme.

The pope did not  affirm the Great Commission and  the SSPX has to deny the faith to be  granted canonical status.It has to accept that Jews do not have to convert and this is contrary to the Bible.

Since Muller,Ladaria and Koch and the other cardinals  have the power and authority they assume their situation is not ‘irregular’.They are in the Church.-Lionel Andrades

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