Friday, September 7, 2012


Today's ecumenical meeting with the pope in attendance should be dedicated to the memory of  Richard Cushing the former archbishop of Boston. He made it possible.

Though today's dissent was inevitable because of the foreign pressures, Cushing made it possible since he provided the theological flaw , so that the Curia could pretend there is a theological basis for this new ecumenism.

He seems the most successful Americanist since he along with the Jesuits in Boston, used his ecclesiastical office to enforce Americanism.

He created confusion at the Holy Office (CDF), approved the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney and placed a general prohibition on Catholics visiting the St.Benedict Center when they were really teaching traditional doctrine that all non Catholics are going to Hell unless they convert into the one true Church, the only Church Jesus founded and which is guided still by the Holy Spirit. Catholics were not to visit the St.Benedict Center or have anything to do with them.It was an ecclesiastical ostracism.

Over a decade went past and the cardinal did not lift the excommunication.The media reported that the Church has changed its ancient teaching on other religions He never issued a correction.

The cardinal and the Jesuits  were all set to place their false doctrines in Vatican Council II but were blocked at the Council. However traces of their work can be noticed in many Council documents.What they could not achieve, the secular media picked up and completed successfully.

Until today good Catholics believe those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation.

Cardinals and bishops meeting with Pope Benedict XVI today believe Protestants and Orthodox Christians are saved in their religions.So they do not have to convert.Why? Since Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong to hold the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.He did not know that there are known cases of non Catholics dead and now saved. This knowledge was the brainwave of Richard Cushing. It was an 'extraordinary finding'.It  was  unknown to the popes, Church Councils and the saints.

Fr.Leonard Feeney could not see the 'dead saved'.His priestly faculties were taken away from him by the Archbishop.You can't tell the Emperor he has no clothes.Just about everyone at that time said they could see.

Even until today, those who cannot see ' the dead alive', the Emperors new clothes, are called schismatics and sedevacantists. The Vatican Curia will not defend them. Since 'the dead alive' is the foundation of their  new ecumenism.On this irrationality is based the new  theology of Cardinals Schonborn, Kurt Koch,Luiz Ladaria... and they don't give any credit to Richard Cushing.
-Lionel Andrades


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