Saturday, September 1, 2012

Seminarians have no rights

When I was a seminarian at two seminaries in Rome I could not take my case to the Supreme Tribunal. Since seminarians have no rights like priests.

Even if I did, the Prefect of the Vatican Tribunal is making the same error as the priests and professors at the Roman seminaries.For example a  seminarian at the North American College, Rome could appeal to Cardinal Raymond Burke.He would say his professors are irrational. They are saying that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This would mean the baptism of desire is known to us. These cases are visible to us and so they are known exceptions to the traditional teaching .

Cardinal Raymond Burke would perhaps refer him to the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith who are getting so many of these complaints and could do nothing but refer the case back to the Superior who was not doing anything in the first place or was the subject of the complaint.

For instance there could be a complaint that Cardinal Raymond Burke and traditionalist priests because of the Richard Cushing Error do not affirm a defined dogma. This is heresy in public. Yet they offer the Traditional Latin Mass.If the seminarian makes this complaint would he be penalized?

One complains with specifics against the Rector and the CDF sides with Rector since the seminarian has no right to complaint. He is in the seminary to learn and to accept the liberal dissent.

Everyone seems to know  what is being taught in the seminaries and pontifical universities but the seminarian cannot file a petition to the Supreme Tribunal.He cannot try and right a wrong.Lionel Andrades

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