Sunday, September 23, 2012


By Brian Hughes

What has been declared at the second Vatican Council is no new dogma, but merely the reassertion of an ancient truth, and it in no way affects the dogma of "no salvation outside the Church".- Brian Hughes

This is a good article.
I want to add that nothing in Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Then the writer refers to the supporters of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
Fr.Leonard Feeney’s position on the baptism of desire is irrelevant to the dogma. Whether there is a baptism of desire or there is not it does not contradict the dogma since the baptism of desire is always implicit. It is never explicit for us.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Very good article, Lionel

    as quoted from article:

    " Both of these errors must be addressed forthrightly, and it must be demonstrated and proclaimed that the dogmas of the Church regarding salvation, heaven and hell, have not changed, nor have they been modified in any way, either by the mercurial "spirit of Vatican II", whatever that may be, or the atmosphere of ecumenical conviviality, which tends, tragically, to place most doctrinal matters on the back burner, appearing to many to be more taken up with social etiquette, press releases, and photo-ops. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church has certainly not fallen into formal heresy-this is an impossibility from the standpoint of faith. But many of its well meaning prelates have certainly fallen into the oftentimes fatal trap of wanting to be liked, which, in its own way, is a heresy of sorts. Their plight is certainly understandable; after all, who among us who goes around preaching that his Church is the only means to salvation, can, in this day and age, expect to be smiled on by this or that ecumenical committee, civic council, theological commission or Rotary Club? Yet more than merely being liked is required of those entrusted by Christ to shepherd His flock.

    Despite all the contemporary confusion, the Church has never failed to teach the truths which have been entrusted to it, received from the Apostles. The truth is there, waiting to be discovered by all those willing to seek it. The search may, for many, be painstaking and tedious, as so many modernistic theological sophistries must be withstood, in order that this truth may be glimpsed in all its fullness. Yet, despite all the obstacles in place in this presently indifferent world of ours, it can be found and cherished unto eternal life.

    The Church: Sole Principle of Spiritual Truth, Unity, and Life as the Body of Christ

    The necessity of membership in the Church for salvation is implicitly yet clearly affirmed time and time again in the New Testament, by Our Lord and the Apostles; the following quotations by no means constitute a complete synthesis of New Testament teachings on the Church-rather I have provided them merely to illustrate that, for all the controversy which has been generated lately within the Church with regards to this dogma and its misinterpretation by well meaning and sincere Catholics, Sacred Scripture and the early Fathers very clearly testify to it. "

    Of Course " THE CHURCH " does not and can not error on the doctrine and articles of Faith that must be believed and accepted as truth by ALL, however many who are the mouth piece of the Church especially bishops have failed miserably to lead their local flocks and are responsible. Truth in Charity is a necessity but charity without truth is FALSE charity.
