Wednesday, October 3, 2012


In the previous post I mentioned that a false premise leads to a different Vatican Council II. This  is the interpretation also being used by the SSPX. If they identfy the premise Vatican Council II changes. Let us apply this to a report from Rorate Caeli.

The New Evangelization: Quo Vadis?
Sept. 20, 2012 by Paul Kokoski. (1)

More and more, Catholics are shying away from using terms like “proselytizing,” “conversion,” and even “Catholic” in their ecumenical and inter-religious efforts, almost as if they were ashamed of the Gospel, or afraid of appearing as a “sign of contradiction.”

Lionel: This is because of the false premise and the confusion which results in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

Vatican II’s Dignitatis Humanae states that every person has a “right” to religious freedom.

Lionel: Correct. 
A. If you do not use the faulty premise then Vatican Council II is saying outside the Church there is no salvation. So we use the teaching 'Vatican Council II is saying outside the Church there is no salvation 'as a premise.

Every person is physically free, however morally they have an obligation to enter the Church, since there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Vatican Council II becomes traditonal.

B. We can see the dead saved (false premise) and so there is salvation outside the Church. Every one does not have to enter the Church. So non Catholics are free to follow their religion. They do not have a moral obligation to enter the Church. This is what Vatican Council II says!

This same contradiction is advanced in other documents of Vatican II. The “Decree on Ecumenism”(4), for example, states that there is no opposition between “ecumenical action” and “full Catholic communion.” This would seem to support the positive theory of coercion, i.e., that of proclaiming truth and correcting error, which has always been at the heart of the church’s missionary mandate. It forged world-wide conquests of many nations to the Catholic faith, and was the cause of countless martyrs. Other sections of the “Decree on Ecumenism” (No 3-4), as well as Vatican II’s “Decree on Religious Liberty,” decidedly support the non-coercive theory which negates the church’s pre-Vatican II missionary mandate of conversion, while implying that the “fullness of Catholic truth” is not necessary for salvation. This latter proposition has become the status quo among the Catholic faithful and church elite, including His Eminence Walter Cardinal Kasper, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope John Paul II. Cardinal Kasper has boldly stated, for example, that: “Today, we no longer understand ecumenism in the sense of a return, by which the others would ‘be converted’ and return to being ‘Catholics.’ This was expressly abandoned by Vatican II.” (Adista, Feb. 26, 2001).

“Today, we no longer understand ecumenism in the sense of a return, by which the others would ‘be converted’ and return to being ‘Catholics.’ This was expressly abandoned by Vatican II.” (Adista, Feb. 26, 2001).

A. If you do not use the false premise then Vatican Council II is saying outside the Church there is no salvation. So instead we use 'Vatican Council II is saying outside the Church there is no salvation' as a premise.

Every person is physically free, however morally they have an obligation to enter the Church since there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. So Protestants need to enter the Church according to Vatican Council II (AG 7). AG 7 says all need Catholic Faith. Protestants have the baptism of water but not Catholic Faith and so they cannot be saved unless they convert into the one ,true Church.So an ecumenism of return is important.

B. We can see the dead saved (false premise) and so there is salvation outside the Church. Every one does not have to enter the Church. So Protestants are free to follow their religion. They do not have a moral obligation to enter the Church. An ecumenism of return is not needed according to Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades


Vatican II: A discussion that can no longer be stopped

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