Saturday, October 20, 2012

Archbishop Jose Octavio Ruiz unaware of error in the affirmation of the Nicene Creed : address to Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships

Archbishop Jose Octavio Ruiz seemed unaware yesterday, of the error in the affirmation of the Nicene Creed.

He was speaking last evening at the Basilica Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome on the theme The New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Faith (La Nuova Evangelizzazione per la trasmissione della fede).

The Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization called upon the Charismatic Renewal to evangelize based on their personal encounter with Jesus and their faith and love even though they may not know Church doctrine.

Archbishop Ruiz who is one of the Synod Fathers of the present 13th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization did not mention the error in the interpretation of the Nicene Creed widespread among the Charismatic Renewal Movement and in other ecclesial communities.

Similar to Prof. Guzman Carriquiry, who spoke on Wednesday, they both cannot provide any coherent theology for the new evangelization because of the confusion of the ‘three known baptisms instead of one’ for the forgiveness of sin. The Nicene Creed is contradicted.

The error has seeped into the interpretation of Vatican Council II (though not there in the text) and has affected Catholic evangelization.

If he would recognize the error of the ‘two or more known exceptions’ in the Creed, he would be acknowledging that there is no salvation outside the Church. So all the non Catholics participating at the Synod are oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church before death.

CCR members to the forthcoming Synod on New EvangelisationHis talk was preceded by prayers and worship of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal community Abramo. The evening was organized by the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships which also makes the same error with reference to the Creed as does International Catholic Charismatic Renewa Services (ICCRS), Rome,which corrdinates the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement activities throughout the world.

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