Saturday, October 6, 2012


For 19 years they did not lift the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney.Since the Archbishop believed the baptism of desire was an exception to the dogma.

Now the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) could be excommunicated because the Vatican  believes invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16) , seeds of the Word (AG 7), elements of sanctification (LG 9) etc are explicit exceptions to the salvation dogma -  so there is salvation outside the church, according to Vatican Council II.

This is the heresy of Archbishop Gerhard Muller similarly to the heresy of Archbishop Richard Cushing at the time of the excommunication of the innocent priest at Boston.

The position of Archbishops Muller and Cushing is - there are defacto, known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

This means the dead now saved, are visible to them, on earth. Since they are known to them personally, they are exceptions to the literal interpretation of the outside the church there is no salvation.These are known exceptions.

The  SSPX has to accept an interpretation of Vatican Council II which indicates the dead are visible, otherwise, there could be an 'ecclesial rupture'.

An injustice was done by the Vatican and the Archbishop of Boston to a priest faithful to the centuries old teaching on the dogma. Now an injustice could be done to four bishops and some 500 Catholic priests, as innocent as Fr. Leonard Feeney.

Pope Pius XII did not excommunicate Archbishop Richard Cushing for heresy and neither is Pope Benedict XVI going to excommunicate Archbishop Gerhard Muller.

The rest of the cardinals and bishops are watching silently.

No one wants to support the SSPX by saying the dead saved and visible is a false premise and Vatican Council II really says outside the church there is no salvation. They will not say that the Council is in agreement with the SSPX‘s traditional values.

Archbishop Muller’s interpretation of Vatican Council II is a break from tradition and it should be rejected by all good Catholics. The issue is complicated since this is the only understanding some of the SSPX bishops have Vatican Council II.

According to the Deposit of the Faith, until the 1930’s, one could hold the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus along with implicit baptism of desire and being saved implicitly in invincible ignorance. This same position is tenable for all Catholics. It does not violate the Principle of Non Contradiction. For the Archbishops it would violate the Principle of Non Contradiction since for them the baptism of desire etc are explicit. They can telephone or fax these cases on earth.

We Catholics can affirm a Vatican Council II with implicit salvation along with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. We do not claim that the dead are visible.

Being able to see the dead saved and alive on earth is a weird suggestion of the two Archbishops
- Lionel Andrades

For nearly 20 years the Holy Office(CDF) and the Archbishop of Boston did not lift the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney when the baptism of desire was never ever an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

1 comment:

  1. Lionel,

    You always have very meaningful and thought out posts. This one is particularly strong in wisdom and easy to understand thoughts,words and specifics for all to hear.

    The act of excommunication can NEVER be lifted unless the person accused recants and confesses their sin. Such was NOT the case with Father Feeney since he neither recanted or confessed any wrongdoing. The excommunication was not lifted out of pity but because of guilt. The excommunication was done for the reason of disobedience BUT the charges were void of truth and accuracy.
    Many clerics are more interested in saying that the Protestant Reformation was a misunderstanding rather than preaching the truth. And now many of the laity are calling on those in high Church positions to accurately teach the Faith and do their job of leading souls to Heaven.
