Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Consider the situation in the Catholic diocese of Leeds, England which is common to other dioceses.

VOCATIONS: Candidates for religious vocations must accept that they can can see the dead who are saved. They must affirm that the dead saved with the baptism of desire etc visible to them.

CREED: Those Religious who make a Profession of Faith with the Nicene Creed must accept that there is not one (known) baptism for the forgiveness of sin but there three known baptisms ( water, desire and blood ). The dead saved with the baptism of desire or martyrdom in 2012 are visible to them.

VATICAN COUNCIL II: All have to accept that Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Nicene and Athanasius Creed.Since there are visible cases of the dead saved.

NON CATHOLICS: Non Catholics do not have to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell since they can be saved with the 'baptisms' of the 'seeds of the word' etc which are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.

EUCHARIST: They deny a dogma defined by three Church Councils in different times and defended by the popes and saints, and then they go up and receive the Eucharist at Holy Mas. This is heresy. Is it not a sacrilege for those who 'know' like the bishop of Leeds ?

ABORTION: If religious can give up the dogma on salvation because of alleged cases of the dead whom they can see, why cannot lay people also give up Church teachings on contraception and abortion it is asked. Everything is relative.

PROTESTANTS: Since the Catholic Church does not teach the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus any more, because of alleged exceptions, Protestants do not have to convert into the Church to avoid Hell. They are saved even without receiving the Eucharist. They can abort and contracept and they are still saved. So why cannot Catholics do the same it is asked?

The heresy and confusion originates with the theory of the dead saved being visible.Once it contradicts extra ecclesiam nulla salus then it spreads to the Creed, Profession of Faith, Vocations, Holy Mass and the Eucharist, the liturgy, evangelisation and other aspects of the Catholic Church.

Bishop Arthur Roche appointed to senior Vatican post | Arthur Roche, Bishop of Leeds, Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments,The Reverend Arthur Roche is the Bishop of Leeds.He is also the new Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments,Vatican.

Bishop Roche would not affirm the dogma and now he is promoted to the Vatican Office responsible for the Holy Mass and the liturgy.

I will e- mail this blog post to the Diocese of Leeds, and as before, no none will respond disagreeing with me. They know what I say here is true. -Lionel Andrades

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