Wednesday, October 31, 2012


When Edward Pentin interviewed Archbishop Augustine Di Noia for the National Catholic Register he spoke to him about extra ecclesiam nulla salus  and observed that implementing the dogma was not important in the Church. In that interview the Vice President of Ecclesia Dei, Vatican quoted Ralph Martin of the Charismatic Renewal Movement.

Ralph Martin like the Archbishop assumes that we can see the dead saved. Martin cites those saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) and Archbishop Di Noia those with God's grace, 'elements of sanctification' (LG 8) who are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

When they realize that they have made an objective mistake what will be their reaction?.Hower will Cardinal Gerhard Muller also respond (he has made the same mistake in another NCR interview) when they realize that objectively, factually the dead are not visible to us.

I write this after reading a good review of Maria Valtorta's The Poem of the Man God.In the five volumne book is  the traditional understanding of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.There are no known exceptions.

The account of The Poem of the Man God is by Bishop Richard Williamson who interestingly makes the same mistake as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican archbishops. He assumes that those saved with the baptism of desire are explicitly known to us and so are exceptions to the dogma.

Like the other SSPX bishops he is saying that the Holy Office 1949 made a mistake when they assumed that the baptism of desire etc was an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma on salvation.

Interestingly The Poem of the Man God was initially approved at Medugorje. It was a source of controversy in the 1990's when I was there. Finally the Franciscans decided to state that it was not a message of Our Lady. This met the polticial standards set by the Vatican with their explicitly known baptism of desire etc.

Now Medugorje promotes Vicka's message which says most people on earth go to Heaven. This contradicts Ralph Martin's book on salvation and the New Evangelisation.

When the error of the visible dead is exposed by the Vatican, Medugorje would have to go back to theseer Marija's apparition in which Our Lady recommended that she read this book.

This great truth is underlined again and again in the full-length portrait of Judas given in Maria Valtorta's "Poem of the Man-God". This - in English - five-volume life of Our Lord, based on visions supposedly given by Our Lord himself to a bed-ridden Italian woman during the Second World War, is much controverted. But in our time of all-round and on-going betrayal of the Catholic Church, who can dispute the reasonableness of the last of the seven reasons given supposedly by Our Lord for his granting this panorama of his life to mankind in mid-20th century? - "To acquaint you with the mystery of the fall of a soul upon which God had bestowed extraordinary benefits... to acquaint you with the process by which servants and sons of God fall, changing into devils and deicides, killing the God who is within them by killing grace... Apply yourselves to studying the horrible but all too common figure of Judas, a knot tying together, like twisting snakes, all seven capital vices... how many people, in all walks of life, imitate Judas by giving themselves over to Satan and hurtling to their eternal death!" Judge for yourselves the authenticity of the portrait of Judas Iscariot as presented in the "Poem of the Man-God"...
-Lionel Andrades


  1. Unlike , Fatima and Lourdes, Holy Mother Church will NEVER pronounce Medugorje worthy of our devotion and belief.

  2. I was surprised to see the claim that 'Poem of the Man God' supports the Traditional' understanding of ENS. Do you know where in the book that is supposedly stated?

  3. I was surprised to see the claim that 'Poem of the Man God' supports the Traditional' understanding of ENS. Do you know where in the book that is supposedly stated?

    I don't have the book with me.
    I have read some of the volumes a few times.
    The traditional interpretation of the dogma was there. It was very clear.
