Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Will Bishop Bernard Fellay give up Church teachings to protect the SSPX?

Our Lady of Akita JapanAt Akita,Japan Our Lady said the devil will enter the Church and many religious will accept compromise.

Today the pope, the cardinals and bishops at the Vatican are saying in public that Jews do not
have to convert in the present times.

Akita has been approved by the local bishop.

Will Bishop Fellay also have to give up Church teachings to protect the SSPX property. They too could be threathened by anti Semitic laws.

If the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) is excommunicated it will be by a pope who in public denies the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , Vatican Council II (AG 7) and rejects traditional analysis (exegesis) of Biblical passages with reference to the Jews.

The ADL has also approved a new Bible for Catholics. The US bishops have accepted it. Probably the Gospel of John has been edited heavily.

In the next stage the SSPX could be asked to remove all references from their websites which say Catholics are the Chosen People of God (Nostra Aetate 4). This would be considered anti Semitic.

In future it could be anti Semitic for the SSPX to use the Dhouy Rheims Bible and they could be asked to the use the 'USSCB approved version' of the Bible.At an ADL conference it was said that the new Testament is Anti Semitic .This would also make Jesus anti Semitic.

The Jewish Left media is not discussing this issue. There is a censorship for Catholics and always the threat of the leftists laws.

The pope has accepted the official six million figure of the Jews killed in the Nazi extermination. However the exact figure can only be known to God.

Th real issue is not Vatican Council II. Instead the SSPX has to accept conditions set for them by the liberal rabbis.This is the real issue to their receiving canonical status.

Vatican Council II can be accepted by the SSPX in accord with the dogma extra eccleesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.This will be a Vatican Council without  the visible dead theory. It will be the Jewish Left who will oppose this interpretation of Vatican Council. Vatican Council II would be anti Semitic.

At Akita,  Our Lady told the seer that there will come a time when bishops will be against bishops and cardinals against cardinals. At Fatima she said the Faith will be lost (except in Portugal). Rome will lose the Faith, she said, at La Salle.
-Lionel Andrades

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